Effective ways to follow Forex Fundamentals



The right way to keep track of fundamentals in forex trading
the most effective ways to stay well updated with the important macro developments in the markets.

Undoubtedly, staying up to date with all the news flow and market developments is essential to trade fundamentals appropriately.

Logical, right?


So how do you actually do it in a way that is simple and straightforward?

I mean…

How do you stay up to date with everything going on in the markets without driving yourself crazy?

And even more than that…

How do you filter out the noise and the useless information to get ONLY what really matters for your trading?

Those are some pretty good and important questions.


Let me give you the RIGHT answers.

Use the right platforms:


I get it.

Use the right platforms” is as boring of a subheading as it gets.

But, bear with me a second…

Because we are going to start with some boring, but essential stuff, to then lead into the more original insights.

Sounds cool?



Well, first and foremost let’s start with the most obvious one.

Which is?


Or X.

Not sure exactly what to call it nowadays.

Either way, you get the one I’m talking about.

Twitter is an amazing source of information BUT…

It’s also where traders just shout random useless fluff.

And I mean really, REALLY useless fluff.

But that’s nothing new, isn’t it?

Yes. I know you know how Twitter works so let me give you something MORE interesting and way better organized than that.

Twitter for a trader is cool, but Tweetdeck is… COOLER.

What’s that?

Here’s a Tweetdeck:

Tweetdeck to follow Forex fundamental analysis

It’s basically Twitter but with a more organized feel to it.

Yes because you get to cherry pick who gets in there and the Tweetdeck streams all of the tweets from the sources you decide to add.

And it does so in real time.

Cool stuff, right?

Yes, especially because you can get profiles that share important fundamental articles so you can have your specific column for the news flow and various economic releases.

Something like this with Bloomberg:

Bloomberg article about the FED and interest rates

You can really get creative with this.

But remember…

Twitter, whether it’s a Tweetdeck or the original, is as distracting as it gets.

I mean…

The line between useful and just annoyingly distracting is very VERY thin.

You MUST make it a priority to follow ONLY high quality profiles that deliver VALUE and that DON’T spam you with useless content.

Keep that well in mind or you will drive yourself crazy trying to follow random stuff left and right.

I can’t stress this enough.

So for instance, learn how to use the “filters” to narrow down only to certain keywords like:

Filters for the most useful fundamental articles

These are the exact filters in the Bloomberg column that you see in the previous image.

As you can see it’s narrowed down to the major central banks, that way it filters out all the irrelevant articles while focusing only on the ones that are actionable and market related.

And by the way…

Make sure to follow our Twitter too.

We keep it super related to useful market insights with no fluff whatsoever…

Ok, now…

What else is there to keep track of fundamentals?


What about the good old Bloomberg itself?

That’s a great one, obviously.

But, there’s also another interesting alternative to that…


Fundamental headlines and market sentiment:

It’s nothing new and super original I know.

Bloomberg and ForexLive are two classic places to get high quality articles and headlines to stay well up to date on everything going on in the markets from a fundamental point of view.

But wait a second.

Because there is an important detail that makes a big difference.

And I mean a really BIG difference.


So, when you head to ForexLive the homepage basically has posts like this:

Forexlive website

That’s ok, nothing wrong with that.

But in reality, you DON’T need all of that generic market commentary.

We as traders need content that is more targeted, more niched down to what actually matters for the market, right?

That’s right.

So, one way to do that is to head to more useful sections.

Like the central banks’ section…

And that will filter down to articles that are more related to currencies and stuff that matters for currencies…

Section on ForexLive about central banks

You know, monetary policy and central banks?

Pretty important stuff in Forex trading.

Now what about Bloomberg?

On Bloomberg it’s a similar thing.

But there’s something extra that you will love.


Yes, because on top of the classic insightful articles, Bloomberg has a lot of live shows and video content to follow to stay up to date with the markets.

There’s plenty every single day for all market sessions.

And you can find them on Bloomberg itself:

Bloomberg market surveillance

Or on Youtube:

Fundamental insights from Bloomberg on Youtube

But wait…

Two or more hours of content per show?

I mean, is it even useful?

Well… kinda.

They have plenty of awesome experts and professionals on there that talk markets that are well worth a listen.

But there’s a caveat.

They cover A LOT of stuff.

And I mean also stuff that is NOT really relevant for trading purposes.

So it’s great for staying updated overall.


Let’s do better.

We want to get MORE specific.

More targeted to articles that are actually highly relevant and useful to Forex trading.

More effective, so to speak.

So is there a way to do that?

Yes, there is.

How to get even MORE precise and targeted fundamental articles:

So here is a fantastic piece of advice that will make you way more effective at this.


On Google, just search for whatever you are looking for plus the keyword “Bloomberg” and head to the news section.

Like this:

Bloomberg articles to stay updated with Forex fundamentals

With this you have all the latest articles from Bloomberg on that specific topic.

Literally, you can target everything you need at any time you want.

For instance…

An important FOMC meeting just got done?

Cool, search for “FOMC Bloomberg” and you get all the related articles.

And of course…

You can do this with whatever source you prefer.

I like Bloomberg so I’m using that for this example.

There are many other alternatives, but in terms of straightforwardness, I will say…

Bloomberg is there at the top.

Their headlines are often enough to grasp the sentiment of the whole article for a quick sentiment check.

Look at this one for instance:

Inflation elevated prompting more rate hikes


The headline and the first two paragraphs often tell you all you need to know.

You get the point.


Now wait a second tho.


Are these the absolute best ways to do it or is there something else?

Well, that’s a VERY good question.

How to be effective in your fundamental analysis:

These two are some basic methods to keep an eye on what’s fundamentally going on in the market.

And they are great, but…

But what?

But they are NOT the most practical and effective methods.


Because when you read an article on Bloomberg or when you scroll through Twitter you MUST have an incredible ability in filtering out all the noise and random chatter that is NOT actionable for your trading.

And on top of that, you also need to interpretunderstand, and apply correctly what you are reading.

Otherwise, you just get thrown off track into the wrong trades.

So… easier said than done, right?


Just by having these two methods mentioned above you won’t suddenly understand fundamental analysis better.

At all.

You still need that experience to put into action correctly what you read around.

And that’s where the famous “work smart, not hard” comes into play.

What do I mean?

I mean that you can be smart simply by following other professional traders to use their expertise to have a good guide and picture of everything that’s going on in the markets.

Almost like delegating the complex task.

Literally, you let someone else do the complex work for you.

Sounds quite an advantage, right?

It is.

So how can you do that properly?

I mean…

How can you follow more experienced traders to guide you and give you the correct fundamental context you need for your trading?

Well, time for the self promotional bit now 😉.

The Private Network is the place for that.

That’s where you can follow our fundamental insights, guidance, and exact trades.

And I mean trades with exact entry and exit details.

Like this:

Trade signal with pending order

With then all the various updates to the trade along the way:

And with insightful daily briefings like the one below that keep you always up to date with what matters across the markets:


All the good stuff to keep you on top of all you need to know in a straightforward format so that you don’t have to waste time and energy every day trying to catch up with all the fundamental developments across markets.

In other words…

The complex trading tasks, done for you.

Pretty good, isn’t it?

I know.

Ok, with that said.

Is there anything there anything else to add to this article to complete it?


But first…

If you like this kind of educational articles you can leave us your email down below to get updated when we publish something else like this.

And now with that said…

Three points I want you to take away from this article…

So keep these in mind:

  • Twitter is a VERY useful tool for traders but you have to be super disciplined and skilled at ignoring the fluff and distractions, a Tweetdeck can help you with that.
  • Bloomberg and ForexLive are a great method to get a grasp of the sentiment around important market events. Specifically, Bloomberg’s headlines are quite precise and useful for that.
  • You don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself, be smart, and get yourself around other professional traders who do it for you, and do it better.

Alright, that’s all there is to say…

And I guess that’s all there’s to say on this, these are the right ways to always be on top of everything going on across the markets fundamentally.

Crypto Global Macro Q4 2023





Straight to the point…

Has anything changed in the crypto space?


Not really.

In the previous crypto update we talked about how we were bullish biased for the time being on BTC.

And well…

That hasn’t changed.

And there’s also nothing new to add to what we discussed in the previous update, so…


I know.

Crypto right now feels a little… boring.

But hey, boring usually precedes interesting moves so boring is also interesting.

But ok.

Are we still bullish?


Let me show you…

The fundamental sentiment around risk assets:

So, first of all…

The recession keeps getting postponed, doesn’t it?

Looks like.

This kind of context over the medium term is supportive for higher risk assets such as the NASDAQ and the S&P500.

But what about crypto?

Like… where is BTC in all this?

Well, some of the models we look at are flashing green for potential upside.

We look at a variety of factors but in this update let me show you one of the most curious.

Which is?

Google trends…

Yes, yes.

I know.

It feels SUPER cringy to look at Google trends to get the sentiment for crypto.

But hey…

It’s not that bad at all.

Most of the upticks in searches have preceeded or matched large upswings in price.

So a cringy, but potentially useful leading indicator.

But ok.

Is that by itself really enough to be bullish?


Of course not.

So let’s get a bit more specific…

Where monetary policy and the FED are at:

No doubts…

The aggressive tightening cycle is history already.

The FED is essentially done hiking.

And now rates should stabilize at 5.50% for some time…

Which is evident from their latest dot plot:

They see a possibility of another 25bps hike in November.

But after that…

Rates are seen on hold.


Is this bullish? Is this bearish? What is it?

It’s… neither.

The current monetary policy context is faily neutral for the overall sentiment.

Sure, interest rates at 5.25% are NOT bullish.

But the fact that they are NOT going to 6% and that inflation is moderating farily well at the moment IS… bullish.


So let’s recap…

the overall macro context and sentiment:

The monetary policy context is farily neutral but the growth context is fairly bullish.

And that overall makes the context slightly bullish for BTC.

Sure, it’s pretty stale as of right now, but isn’t that what the market does?

Bore traders to dump their holdings because “the market isn’t going anywhere” before taking off?


But wait.

Don’t get me wrong.

I’m NOT saying BTC will soon take off to 100k.

I’m saying that slightly higher prices from here are more likely than lower.

More or less.

You get the point.

35k is more likely than 20k for BTC, so to speak.

With that said…

What to keep in mind…

This is STILL fundamentally the moment to be in a “softunleveraged dip buying mode for us.

But remember…

The word “soft” in that sentence is VERY important because the context is NOT perfectly bullish, at all.

I mean, this is NO context to be buying dips left and right with leverage.

No, but it’s good enough to have some exposure anyway.

We hold some small unleveraged positions and we just sit on those patiently.

That’s all there’s needed to know right now.

The next update for crypto will be in the first week of 2024 so if you want to get a few more interesting and useful info along the way while also being alerted when we publish the next update you can leave us your email down below.

Forex Signals To Trade Consistently 2025




I know, you are looking for a solid Telegram channel for Forex trading. I mean, a reliable and professional channel for Forex signals to trade consistently, right?

Got it.

It’s VERY rare to find a good signal provider,

And it’s even rarer to find a reliable and professional trader to get consistent signals for Forex trading.

I know.

There are soo many out there and they are all just a copy and paste of each other.

And I mean… a copy and paste of unprofessionalism.


So let me show you something different.

Something waay more professional and reliable.

Telegram channel that you can follow right now to get professional and reliable trade recommendations.

And I mean the real good trades.


It sure is.

The best Telegram channel to follow for Forex trading:

Alright, let’s put it very simply.

If you want to follow a Telegram channel that sends you professional, reliable, and accurate trade ideas then BeSomebodyFX is the one.


I mean…

Look at this trade for instance:

Forex trade analysis with technical chart

Solid stuff.

But even better…

Here’s how that particular trade unfolded:

Take profit hit on the trade



Now, wait a second tho…

Will you find trade ideas every single day?

No. Absolutely not.


Will you find reliable and professional medium term trades well detailed and well explained to follow with confidence?

Absolutely yes.

And that’s the point…

Quality over quantity.

We are talking about the kind of fundamental signals that are highly professional and VERY well researched.

Again, like this…

Insightful Forex signal from Telegram channel

And by the way, I want you to notice something in particular.

Something VERY important.

See all the comprehensive details around the trade idea?


Do you like that?

Yes, I know. It’s pretty good stuff.

That gives you the context you need to first understand the trade properly, and second to follow it with confidence.

That matters. And the reason is so that you are NOT just following trades blindly without even knowing what you are doing.

Much better than the average signal provider, right?

I know, I know.

Like… look at the update of the trade mentioned above:

Knowing as many details as you can about the trade you are following makes a difference.

It really does.

But wait, because there’s MORE.

Yes, there’s even more than just Forex signals…

I mean, signals are great and I know you love those. But what about some other insightful trading content too?

Something like educational articles about trading?


Educational Forex articles about fundamental analysis

Detailed, clean, and insightful trade examples with Forex fundamental analysis that you can study and learn from.


And by the way…

You can find the full article about how fundamental analysis makes the difference in Forex trading right here.

That’s the kind of content that you can dive deep into and learn A LOT from. NOT some generic or boring article.

Again, good stuff.

Then what about some highly insightful tweets with specific market comments?

You said it…

And I can go on and on with examples…

But ok…

Let’s get to the point.

What exactly am I trying to say here?

Well, one thing.

Here it is…

If you want the best trades, follow professional traders:

I know, I said the obvious there.

I mean OF COURSE if you want to have good trades you have to follow traders that know what they are doing.

That’s super obvious.

But wait a second…

Are you sure you are following professional traders?

Think about that.

It’s a VERY important question, right?

Well, it is.  And that’s exactly the RIGHT question to ask yourself.

So be VERY selective and evaluate attentively the QUALITY of the traders that you follow.

But wait…

How do you recognize the professional ones?

Well, just remember these key traits:

  • Professionalism.
  • Reliability.
  • Quality over quantity.

They are all related.

And they matter A LOT.


Because the professionalism and the quality of the signal providers that you follow make a substantial difference in the quality of the trades that you receive.

And if you want to level up and keep your trading to a more professional and consistent approach then check the Private Network as well.

That’s where you get trade recommendations like this:

Forex signal

With all the related updates during the trade, like this:

Update on the trade recommendation

Along with highly insightful daily briefings to keep you PERFECTLY up to date with what really matters in the markets.

Market briefings with fundamental analysis

That is the kind of stuff that you need if you want to be consistent and professional in your trading.

So you have the option to get on the Private Network if you want more content, more trades, more updates. But at the same time you can just enjoy the public Telegram channel if that’s enough for your trading.


So with that said:

The BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel is the type of professionalism that you should follow for accurate and consistent trades.

And there it is.

Now you have a reliable Telegram channel to follow for your trading. It’s quite an advantage nowadays, isn’t it?

I know, it is.

You get the best trades, the best insights, and the best analysis, all well packaged for you to read, learn from, and take action on

Alright, that’s all there is to say…

Follow smart traders to make your trading easier, and to trade consistently, period.

Crypto Global Macro Q3 2023



Bullish it is, there is one particular narrative that is and will continue to support price.

Alright, bear with me for a second.

In the previous crypto update we explained how and why we were bullish and long from 24k and 26k.


31k and something printed, at that point we ended up taking profit at 29.5k and turned defensive

After that, BTC printed a low near 24k and staged a massive run back above 30k in what? Two days?

That was a fast one.

A little too fast.

But ok.

Now what?

Bullish from here? Bearish from here? What’s next?

Well, here’s what you MUST know…

The current fundamental sentiment:

As usual, I will try not to bore you with too much detailed fundamental analysis so let’s get straight to the matter, sounds good?

Alright, to put it simply…

We are now in dip buying mode on BTC.

The reason?

Well, there is a narrative that is and will continue to provide some support to sentiment for risk assets, crypto included.

What’s that?

The AI boost…


What’s happening with AI is boosting growth and productivity leading to lower recession probabilities, higher growth expectations, and higher margins and earnings for large tech companies.

All good stuff for something like the NASDAQ, right?

Yes, but BTC isn’t the NASDAQ…

Or is it?

Well, what’s good for stocks in general tends to be good for crypto too.

A boost to growth expectations is overall bullish for all risk assets, and BTC as you know is on that pretty list.

But with that said…

Where is the FED in all this?

Literally… can we make a complete macro update on crypto without talking about the FED and monetary policy?

No way.

The macro context in more details:

So, this is where it gets a little more complex because interest rates are a little too high, aren’t they?

Yes, but the tightening is slowing down.

From here there are officially just two more 25bps hikes expected.

Here’s the latest dot plot published from the FED:

See all those dots stacked at 5.6% for the year?

That’s the majority at the FED expecting two more hikes from current levels.

Is that bullish?

No, not at all.

So is that bearish?

No, not at all either.

It’s kind of… neutral.

Monetary policy is now in this spot where it’s a bit bearish but also a bit bullish.

Like… rates are above 5% and that’s too high which is slightly bearish.

But, the FED is slowing down and near pausing which is slightly bullish.

Mixed, right?


Now, what matters is that as long as the FED doesn’t go off script and sticks to what’s projected then the market can focus on something else.

Something else like what?

Like the bullish narrative with the growth boost from the AI story?


But waait a second…

Isn’t this whole AI thing like the early phase of a bubble?

The AI bubble?

Sure, could be.

I mean, historically that’s how all significant innovations started, right?

Yes, and this is EXACTLY the point.

Bubbles can inflate assets for much longer than anyone can think of.

Literally, waiting for one to pop or even worse trying to catch the top is… NOT the right strategy.

So intead… what is the right strategy?

Riding it?


Riding it in its early phases and then turning VERY cautious and defensive when it becomes too obvious.

Easier said than done, but it can be done. And it is much better than trying to pick its top.

Sound cool?


Bullish and positioned:

That’s all there is to know about crypto at the moment.

In simple words…

This is fundamentally the context to be in a “soft” dip buying mode.

Soft? Why soft?

Well, if we really want to be precise NOT all boxes are ticked for a perfect bull run.

Obviously, monetary policy is NOT where it should be to go full clip on the long side, plain and simple.


But, the AI narrative is enough to get some exposure to more upside.

And thus we are in dip buying mode on BTC at the moment.


We are already long.

Not on BTC itself but on something else.

It’s a fresh position opened very recently, I can say that.

If you want to follow our exact trades and moves you should check the Private Network. That’s where we alert on every position we take with all the related details and updates.

With that said…

What to keep in mind…

Right now what you need to know from this update on crypto is that we are bullish and positioned while also ready to add size on dips on BTC.

I mean… 

Don’t go full size at these prices, use a dip buying approach to build a better entry in case the market pulls back a bit from here, which is obviously a possible scenario.

So, we will keep an eye on how the context further develops during the quarter to add on dips and adjust accordingly where needed. If you want to get alerted when we publish the next update you can leave us your email down below.

Fundamental analysis that makes the difference in Forex




Once you know about fundamental analysis, you need to know what it looks like in action.

I mean…

It’s one thing to know the fundamentals, but it’s another thing to know THE fundamentals.

Wait, whaat?

That sentence doesn’t make sense, doesn’t it?

Well, It doesn’t.

It doesn’t until you get the RIGHT information.


Do you want to know what’s that all about?

Well, here it is

Fundamental forex trades:


Context is the keyword when we talk about fundamentals.

But what’s that exactly?

See, when we look at the theory of funda… wait.

I know you were about to snooze out as soon as I say the words “theory” and “fundamentals” together in the same sentence so let’s change that…

Let me show you something MUCH more enjoyable and practical than some classic textbook technical definitions.

Sounds better?

It sure does.

So let’s take a real trade to use as an example for the discussion:

Forex trade analysis with technical chart


First, what stands out from that trade example above?

Notice that: “fundamentally looking for this chop to resolve to the downside”.

Like… what does that even mean?

What does it mean to expect something fundamentally? What’s that about?

Well… let me show you.

Fundamental analysis and market trends:

See, at any moment in time if the market is trending there is a story driving that trend.

And in this trade in particular there was a narrative that was slowly starting to gain consensus.

Which was?

Inflation in the UK that was NOT moving lower fast enough:

Inflation elevated prompting more rate hikes

That raised expectations for MORE rate hikes from the BoE.

All while inflation in the EU instead was instead slowing down.


Now this is the part where we go a bit nerdy and technical into the fundamental aspect of the trade.



Think about what that actually means for the respective central banks?

I mean for the ECB and the BoE.

If inflation is slowing down in Europe what does that mean for the ECB policy expectations… and if inflation is instead rising in the UK what does that mean for the BoE?

Simply… or not so simply depending on how much you know about monetary policy.

That means the ECB might NOT need to raise rates much higher while the BoE might instead need to do MORE… right?

Yes, that’s absolutely RIGHT.

And that… THAT was the sentiment growing in the pair, which was making it trend gradually lower.

Are you following so far?

Good, but now let’s get even MORE practical.

The trade:

So the trade was clear, we quickly went bearish on the pair expecting that narrative to continue and…

Trade moves towards take profit

The narrative unfolded pretty nicely, inflation in Europe kept printing soft, and as a result of that the market kept increasing the divergence between the expectations for BoE hikes relative to the ECB.

More hikes from the BoE, less hikes from the ECB.

And that brought the pair to the target:

Take profit hit on the trade

And this… THIS is a trade based on fundamental analysis.

Cool, but… what else?

I mean…

You want to know MORE, right?

Of course you do. So let’s bring it a step further

Market sentiment:

Think about what the whole analysis revolves around.

What is it?

Market sentiment


Yes. It’s about narrative, it’s about understanding whatever the dominant story is in the markets at any given moment in time.

In other words…

If the market is trending there is always a story and a sentiment driving that trend. And understanding THAT story is what fundamental analysis in Forex is REALLY about.

Ok, that’s interesting but now let me tell you something MORE.

Because we said a lot but we haven’t really said anything yet.

So now let’s get to THE point… the real point that will drive your understanding of all this in the right direction.


Ok, listen VERY closely to this next paragraph because it is the essence of the whole matter… the CORE of what you can practically use in your trading, the single concept that can give you a whole new understanding of fundamentals.



Here it is.

At any moment in time, when you know and understand the fundamental driver moving the market you can ask yourself…

Should this fundamental sentiment continue? Or is it near exhausting?

A simple question with an amazingly useful and actionable answer.

Yes, because the answer to that question tells you whether you should expect the trend to continue OR… whether you should expect a reversal or a countertrend pullback.

Read that again.


Good, now let me give you MORE context to make the point clearer…


Let’s take a hypothetical example where the FED is keeping interest rates at very low levels with also a large QE program going.

Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t, but either way…

I can tell you that such context is objectively VERY bearish for the Dollar.

You know… monetary policy.


In this specific hypothetical example let’s say the fundamental sentiment is bearish for the Dollar and thus the USD is trending bearish.

Make sense so far?

Yes. You know what’s the dominant fundamental story driving the trend and now you can ask yourself the question…

Is the FED likely to keep on holding rates at very low levels while continuing the QE program, or are they about to change that context?

Or more generally…

Is this fundamental sentiment that is driving the trend right now likely going to continue being the dominant sentiment over the next couple of weeks or whatever time horizon you are looking at?

If the answer is YES, you have a trade to take in the macro direction.

Which in this specific example is? Dollar shorts.

While if instead the answer is NO and you think the sentiment is near its limit, then you WAIT for the right technical confirmation to fade it and trade the reversal.

That’s fundamentals for Forex in the simplest but most actionable and effective form.


That sounds cool in theory but the practice is so much different, isn’t it?

Yes, but no…

Here’s why.


See, this hypothetical scenario about the FED keeping rates very low and pumping liquidity wasn’t that hypothetical after all.

If you remember in mid to late 2020 that exact narrative was the dominant story across markets

The FED was committed to keeping interest rates at very low levels and continuing its large QE program to provide ample liquidity to the economy:

Interest rate decision


So the trend was bearish USD.

And Dollar shorts were the attractive trade across the board.

That’s to say that…

When the market is trending there is ALWAYS a fundamental reason for such trend to exist.

And that’s where fundamental analysis comes into play…

You immediately gain an advantage when you know the logic and rationale behind the narrative driving the trend.

Because you can then know fundamentally if that specific context should continue or not.


Is the FED likely to keep rates low? Is inflation in the UK likely to stay high compared to the EU? And so and so forth with all the various narratives and stories that you can think of.

And THIS is the whole point of Forex fundamental analysis.

Makes sense?

Understand the context, know the sentiment, and then ask yourself if it has reasons to continue or not.

And there you go, you have done your fundamental analysis to know the direction where a currency pair should move.

  • Understand the fundamental sentiment driving the market at any given moment in time
  • Ask yourself if that context should continue or not
  • Find an entry in that direction.

Ok, now let’s bring this one extra step further

How many “steps further” did we bring this?

Three, four? I kinda lost count.


Ok… you understand this concept, you understand that markets trend because of a specific macro story, you understand that fundamentals drive trends, you know that you should understand all that but…

But you still can’t wrap your head around how to do that yourself.


What I’m about to tell you will sound super obvious but I’m telling you right here right now… that’s THE way.


Leverage the experience of others.


That’s kinda boring textbook advice, isn’t it? I know, it’s the kind of advice that you read in the average book about productivity or in the average Youtube video.

You probably heard that many times already. But listen…

However obvious it sounds…

That’s THE way.

But what do I even mean?

Literally… if you just can’t wrap your head around something, find the expert at it and listen to him.

Think about this…

You have amazing experts in monetary policy, technical analysis, fundamentals, and any other subject that you can think of.

You DON’T have to exhaust yourself by trying to do everything. USE the experts to your advantage to TRADE SMART.

But ok, wait a second…

Am I just flexing about the Private Network and how the members have the benefit of reading insights and following trades from other professional traders?


I am.

And that’s the point.

Because… that’s THE way to trade consistently.

Your mental energy in trading is an EXTREMELY important resource because it helps with your mental clarity which overall helps you make better decisions and thus better trades.


But are you taking good care of that aspect of your trading?

I mean…

Do you have professional traders giving you actionable insights and exact trade ideas, which allows you to ease some of the trading pressure off of your shoulders?

That’s the point.

How to trade smart:

And by the way, I follow this exact advice myself.

I mean… there are some areas of fundamental analysis that I’m NOT an expert in.

Politics, I like politics, but I have NO idea how that stuff works from the inside.

So around elections and around important political events, I try to NOT make up random opinions on how they will influence the market.


I reach out to the people I know are the top in the subject and get briefed on all I need to know.

Simple questions like…

Hey, what does this and this mean for such and such currency? What do you think of such and such? What’s your opinion on such and such and how should it impact the currency?

And so on, and so forth.

And that’s THE way to be an expert at everything you want.

Cool, I just gave you the best advice for your trading right HERE right NOW…

Use other professional traders to compensate for what you don’t know or understand.

In other words… work smart, not hard.

Such a clichè phrase isn’t it?

I agree… but it’s also so true.

And you can do that by following the best websites for fundamentals.

keep these points in mind:

Ok, this article is probably getting a little too long but if you managed to reach this paragraph you are probably enjoying it… right? RIGHT?

Well… if you are, you can leave us your email down below to get updated if we publish something else like this.

With that said…

There are three things that I want you to take away from this article.

  • Fundamental analysis is about understanding the logic and narrative driving a trend and then analyzing whether that context should continue or not.
  • You don’t have to be an expert to trade fundamentals. You can just use already experienced traders to your advantage to listen to what they have to say.
  • Work smart, not hard. That’s how you effortlessly improving your trading efficiency.

Alright, that’s all there is to say…

Get your fundamentals straight by understanding what it’s really about, follow smart traders to make your trading easier, and trade consistently, period.

Other than that…

If you have managed to read this article all the way to this exact paragraph you are on the right track.

Really, you have the curiosity that is necessary to learn and move consistently in the right direction, good job.

Crypto Global Macro Q2 2023



THE FED IS SLOWLY BUT FIRMLY PIVOTING to a more dovish stance, from rate hike expectations to now rate cut expectations.

Sentiment changes fast, doesn’t it?

From “interest rates to infinity” to now “CUT interest rates, quick, QUICK”.

You know the drill…

The FED historically hikes interest rates until something breaks.

Well, looks like that thing, whatever it is, has cracked a little.

If you remember in the previous crypto update we talked about two things…

First, how the market could have capitulated lower to 10k before a macro bottom. And second, how a FED pivot would have initiated the mechanisms for the next bull run.

Definitely, there hasn’t been a capitulation to 10k which is an important aspect for the overall context and positionings

But what really matters right now is that…

The FED is about to PIVOT.

Or actually…

The FED has pivoted.

The macro context:

The trajectory of monetary policy has turned from the aggressive tightening in 2022 to the early phases of easing in 2023.

To put it simply, the FED won’t hike interest rates much further and it is also quietly providing some stimulus again.

Here are a few fundamental notes with the BTC chart to illustrate this shift in context:

The FED is slowly transitioning from the tightening in 2022 with QT and all the aggressive rate hikes, to what instead will likely be monetary policy easing this year.

Right now it is evident that the FED is about to pause the tightening cycle in what happens to be a firm pivot in their monetary policy.

And that’s obviously a large shift in the macroeconomic context.

The projections from the latest dot plot published at the March FOMC meeting show just another tiny 25bps hike as consensus and then a pause of the tightening cycle:

Of course, the dot plot is just a theoretical projection the FED makes, it is NOT official forward guidance. But it still gives us a hint of what’s the sentiment and the consensus on what they are planning to do.

With that, it is evident that the FED is getting ready to pause hikes.

That pause in hikes will soon turn into rate cuts, but that’s another story

So, Bullish or bearish?

I’m sure over the past couple of weeks you have read dozens of tweets and watched hours of content about crypto already.

So certainly you don’t want to consume the same boring piece of content, don’t you?

I know

Hence I’m going to keep it sweet to the point.

What you need to know is that…

We are bullish BTC and we think the very first signs of the next bull market in crypto have printed.

New bull market? Like, all the way to new highs?

Wait, not too fast…

This is still NOT the perfect macro context to call for a full blown new bull market yet.

Interest rates are still too high and yes the balance sheet is expanding but it’s NOT the classic stimulative QE program.

I Mean, there’s still MORE needed to call a bull market.


the fundamental context is short term BULLISH:

While we don’t think this is the bull run to new highs we can still be positioned for some upside, and we are.

At the moment we are long and bullish because in terms of upside potential we think 35k at least can be reached in the short term.

Then, with a longer term time horizon from around 35k or 40k maybe we can think about a move all the way back to the 20k. But for now that’s just a guess, we will evaluate that when the market is at that 35k.

With the Private Network members we have been buying some already from 23k around late January and we have been adding in early March when the FED pivot became a fact.

Basically, although it was a slightly different story, in early February the conditions started to turn much more favorable for crypto:

That was when a soft landing was still the dominant sentiment…

Obviously that context changed but it changed to an even MORE favorable environment with what was a loud pivot from the FED in early March.

But wait, we are not here to talk about what has happened already.

Let’s talk about what is next

Market sentiment and positionings:

We usually like to get a sense of whether people are positioned for upside, downside, or neither

We do that mostly to understand whether a trend is crowded or not.

And right now the sentiment still appears to be pretty balanced as everybody early at the start of the year was waiting for a touch of 10k to load up.

Of course, that touch at 10k never took place so there are plenty of funds still left on the sidelines that have NOT positioned yet.

That could trigger both further momentum above 30k but also be the trigger for the top towards 35k when the bullish sentiment gets too crowded:

Wait, I don’t mean to say that the market is definitely going to top out above 30k.


But I’m definitely saying that the 35k to 40k zone is where we personally are going to turn much more careful on this trend.

Again, the fundamental context doesn’t suggest a major bull run, at least not yetSo we are NOT trying to aim for anything above 40k.

bullish short term, neutral longer term:

Definitely, there is A LOT that can change and that will definitely change in terms of fundamental context over the next 6 months or so with all the unknowns in the macro landscape.

With that in mind it is REALLY early to call for a full blown major long term bull run to anything higher than 40k.

But short term it’s a different story…

As of right now, you should want to be positioned unleveraged for further upside and eventially add on any large dip.

Large dips… yes.

Keep WELL into consideration that on the way to 35k, as usual, there will be some significant dips.

And I mean the kind of dips where you plan in advance to buy but then it dips so hard and so fast that you turn bearish and go short right before it shoots back up.

You know about those, don’t you?

Quite common in crypto land.

What to keep in mind…

So with everything being said right now what mostly matters is that interest rates have peakedThere is likely going to be just another small 25bps hike, then a pause, and then most likely rate cuts fairly soon.

With this context in mind, we are long and targeting a move to 35k on BTC.

But just a short term view

Longer term there are way too many variables that can produce many different scenarios so there is no need, nor reason, to make any longer term projection.

In the next update we might have a better long term picture, but for now, we are just positioned for what we think is a tiny bull market that will extend for a little further. You may want to leave us your email down below to get alerted when we publish the next update.

What you should know about fundamental analysis in Forex



the real fundamental analysis in forex

I know, there is NO content out there showing you how to PROPERLY trade with fundamental analysis and how to effectively understand fundamentals in Forex.

You can find endless content on technical analysis.

But with fundamentals is different…

Most of the content that you will find will go just as far as giving you a list of all the various economic indicators while giving you basic technical definitions of what they are.

That’s BORING, isn’t it?

Yes, it is.

And other than being boring it’s also NOT enough to understand what fundamental analysis really is about, at all.

So I’m sure you won’t be surprised if I told you that there is a lot more to fundamentals in Forex.

And I mean… a LOT more.

Fundamental forex trades:

Now, if you follow us regularly on our public Telegram channel you will have noticed this trade:

Forex trade signal with fundamental analysis insight

Don’t worry, this is NOT one of those self promotional articles telling you how great we are and how good that trade was.


This article is an opportunity for you to dive deeper into the thought process of a fundamental trade idea as we explain step by step, detail by detail, the exact context behind the above mentioned trade.

So far it sounds a little bit better than the old classic boring kind of fundamental article, doesn’t it?

Alright, let’s see if it is…

the fundamental context around the trade idea:

When a fundamental idea is generated it usually comes from an understanding of what is the dominant macro narrative, theme, sentiment, or however you prefer to call it.

Because at any given moment in time in the markets if there is a trend there is also a fundamental narrative driving that trend.

And understanding what is the specific fundamental driver of that trend is the FIRST thing that gives you context and awareness of where the market is moving to.

The trade example:

Now, let’s say you are bearish on the Dollar because inflation is slowing down allowing the FED to slow down the size of their rate hikes…

Slower rate hikes as inflation cools

Perfect, the above is an headline that shows the kind of sentiment that was prevailing across markets a couple of weeks prior to the EURUSD trade idea.

With that in mind…

You would be pretty happy to be bearish on the Dollar if inflation continues to slow down, right?

Yes, of course. You absolutely would.

Precisely, the reason for being bearish the USD would be further proven correct if inflation keeps printing below consensus. You would be pretty happy about being positioned for that.

Great. Now here’s the caveat…

What if the data begins to tell a different story in regard to inflation?

What if inflation does NOT slow down as fast as expected?

With that in mind, without a doubt, inflation is something to monitor very carefully in this specific case.

Like… VERY carefully, correct?


The fundamental data:

So of course traders, economists, central banks, analysts, crypto gurus, you name it, all were watching the CPI releases to see if the trend of slower inflation continued or not, and…

Inflation still elevated so more rate hikes needed

The CPI printed slightly ABOVE expectations highlighting how YES inflation was coming down BUT at a slower pace than what was ideal for the FED.

As you already know, or as you can probably imagine, that was NOT bearish for the Dollar…

Now, here’s the interesting part

fundamental sentiment and expectations:

At any given moment in time, the market is “expecting”, or more technically, “pricing” a certain scenario or a certain fundamental path to take place.

That expected scenario can be related to monetary policy, politics, or whatever can and does influence market sentiment.

In this particular trade, we are talking specifically about expectations for the path for interest rates in the US.

So whether the FED needed to hike more or less than what was expected.

Or… to use a more technical term, whether the FED needed to hike more or less than what was priced in.

The consensus in markets prior to the CPI trade was expecting a more dovish FED and a peak in interest rates due to inflation slowing down.

But obviously that narrative QUICKLY flipped around as the CPI printed above expectations.

So the market started to price in MORE rate hikes from the FED than what was priced in before the inflation number.

In simple words…

The fundamental sentiment pivoted from expectations of a dovish FED to expectations of a more hawkish one given the higher inflation print.

That became the dominant sentiment across the board.

Which later was also further supported by the FOMC minutes:

Ok, but let’s not get too much into the little details.

Too many specifics can be confusing so let’s keep it straight to the point.

For now, just understand that the sentiment pivoted from slightly dovish to more hawkish expectations for interest rates in the US.

So, from bearish USD to bullish USD.

That’s all that is needed to know to understand the basic reasoning for the EURUSD trade in question.

The most important part about fundamentals:

When a central bank says something we listen, and we listen VERY carefully…

But when the data starts to question what the central bank says, we listen EVEN MORE carefully.

When there is a shift in fundamentals there is a shift in expectations and a shift in expectations creates a solid trade opportunity.

So if the market is priced for one scenario but the narrative begins to turn, there is a trade to take right there and then.

With the EURUSD example, the stronger US data meant more FED hikes needed to be priced into markets’ expectations which meant the Dollar was about to find some buyers.

Thus, positioning short on EURUSD was a valid option for us…

Here is the exact trade that we shared with the Private Network members:

Forex signal with fundamental analysis insight

By the way, fun fact

The trade entry above was missed by about 5 pips.

So we missed the best entry but later we still then managed to find another Dollar long in another pair to ride a tiny bit of the move.


The market was trading one sentiment of bearish USD due to slower FED hikes thanks to slower inflation.

Then, the data started to tell a different story thus the market shifted to the opposite sentiment, one of more rate hikes from the FED.

This shift in sentiment created the conditions for some USD strength.

That’s the juice of it.

the core driver of a fundamental trade in forex:

Now, it may sound way too articulated or complex, but analyze it for a moment…

Think about what is the CORE driver of that trade.

What is it?

A shift in sentiment, or similarly, a shift in expectations.

The core element behind this kind of trade is an understanding of what fundamental story is dominating and simply trading with it.

Easier said than done, but it’s a good base to think about Forex fundamental trading properly.

If you know where the fundamental sentiment is likely to move you know what the trend is likely going to be.

And then what do you do if you know what’s the trend going to be?

You follow the trend, of course.

So you position your trades for what is the expected fundamental direction.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this is just ONE small example and it’s NOT what fundamental analysis is all about in trading.

Still, without a doubt, it is a VERY important one…

And definitely one that can generate plenty of great trade ideas.

Fundamental context and sentiment in Forex:

Remember that when the market is positioned on one side pricing a specific fundamental scenario and the data begins to question such scenario there is a trade to take, a pretty good one.

So if the FED says they are going to hike rates just another 25bps and then pause, the market prepares for that scenario with softer short term US yields and a weaker Dollar…

But, if a couple of weeks later a batch of US numbers comes in SO STRONG that it flips whatever the FED has said, then that whole USD weakness would reverse.

The reason?

Because the market would price out that dovish scenario and would instead price in a hawkish one, one of more rate hikes.

A shift in fundamentals means a shift in sentiment which means a shift in market direction.

With that said…

EURUSD itself came just shy of the full target when the sentiment started to change again.

Rate hike expectations began to peak but at that point, of course, the stop losses for the Dollar longs were well in profit protecting the positions.

Forex fundamental trade updated

And that is a trade based on fundamental analysis.

Pretty easy, isn’t it?


Of course NOT.

Learning about fundamental analysis:

If you have never heard about this kind of actionable fundamental analysis it won’t be an easy one to wrap your head around at first.

It takes some raw mental processing to understand the context, but that’s why it is so effective in understanding the direction the market is going to trend.

This is going to sound so obvious but…

If you want to improve your fundamentals you have to eagerly consume this kind of educational content that guides you through the reasons around a trade idea.

That’s an effective way to learn about fundamental analysis.

Study the right content, consume the correct information, and mostly, put everything into practice by trading with the right minds around you.

So, if you like this kind of educational trade analysis drop us your email down below to get notified when we publish another article like this.

Think about fundamental analysis the right way:

Now, there are three main topics that I want you to take away from this article here…

  • To know the trend you must know where the sentiment is likely to move.
  • You must NOT get stuck in an old and stale narrative. In other words, if the data changes direction, if things take a different shape, you HAVE to adapt to the new sentiment.
  • The same applies to the take profit. If the fundamental context changes, if the data changes, you HAVE to adjust and protect the running position. Otherwise you can find your trade back at breakeven in a hurry.

With that said…

Fundamental analysis in Forex trading is an immense topic, IMMENSE.

And obviously, one trade example can only cover a small piece of the whole picture.

But little by little this is the kind of content that will show you the ins and outs of what fundamental trading REALLY is about.

Other than that, if you have managed to read this article all the way to this exact paragraph that means you are already way ahead of the majority of retail traders out there.

Just always remember, follow the right traders that elevate and keep your trading at a professional level. Really, the people you follow influence you in ways that go far beyond what you can imagine.

Crypto Global Macro Q1 2023




With FED policy slowing down, there are some valid arguments to start being bullish on BTC. We are seeing some early indications that the bottom is near…

But DON’T get too excited just yet, because “near” doesn’t mean “right now”.

Let’s say, the bottom is in the process of being created, but we are still quite EARLY in that process and a test of 10k is always well on the table. Let me explain

Usually, after bear markets and before major bottoms, there’s some sort of capitulation. In other words, a strong flush lower that hits longs in the right spot… to then bottom and start a bull market.

Yes, the early 2020 type of capitulation:

That bearish part of the cycle is usually because of a recession or growth concerns, after a FED tightening cycle.

Did you notice the “after a FED tightening” highlighted?

There’s a reason why it’s highlightedhere’s what you need to know now

The CURRENT macro story:

On the previous crypto update and basically since the start of 2022 we have been bearish on crypto because of the aggressive monetary policy tightening from the FED and other central banks around the world.

But now the story about the crypto bearishness because of FED tightening has been done already, that’s now old stuff as the FED slowly turns to a more cautious approach with slower rate hikes.

But wait a second

I know what you thinking… at this point, naturally you are thinking that since the FED is now finally slowing the size of the rate hikes it’s a good time to buy the dip, right?

If so, you would be partially correct BUT fundamentally early

Let me explain you the reason

From here, what you must keep in mind is that BTC is a risk asset… an ultra super volatile risk asset, but always a risk asset, like stocks.

And risk assets are NOT only driven by monetary policy but by growth expectations too. This means that if a FED pause in rate hikes is followed by a recession, BTC will still struggle to find a bottom.

Yes, you read that righta pivot in FED’s stance alone is NOT enough to seal a bottom for crypto.

A rebound in economic activity along with the FED pivot is also needed for BTC and crypto to be able to mark a macro bottom, what we call… soft landing.

Think about this way…

A FED pause in rate hikes without a recession, which is what we technically call soft landing, IS bullish crypto.

While a FED pause in rate hikes followed by a recession is NOT bullish crypto. At least not until the FED lowers interest rates enough and starts pumping some more stimulus.

Ok, let’s get to the point

All this to say that, in a potential recession, DON’T expect crypto to act as a safe haven. The safe haven will be GOLD, not BTC… keep that in mind.

Now, back to the macro context…

What’s next from the FED:

The FED is about to slow down to smaller rate hikes. From their latest dot plot we can see a median consensus for another three but smaller 25bps hikes this year:

The dot plot shows the median sitting at 5.25% interest rate, so at the expected slower pace of 25bps that’s another 3 hikes from current levels.

In simpler words, the FED expects to slow down the tightening path and hike just 3 more times before holding steady.

And I know what you thinking… FED officials can be awful forecasters of where rates will go.

Yes, without a doubt, that’s true…

But we don’t really watch the exact number of hikes they expect. Instead, we take note of whether they expect a slowdown of the tightening pace anytime soon or not.

And at the moment yes, they do…

The latest dot plot median consensus tells us that the FED is ready to go slower, and wants to go slower. That’s the sentiment to take away from it.

slower rate hikes but still not buying dips?
Let’s put it this way…  slower rate hikes from here on are a fact, and that’s bullish crypto, yes but there’s a BUT

And that BUT is the “soft landing” part of the equation, that’s the unknown.

As discussed above, after a tightening cycle, the matter for risk assets is whether the economy can hold steady without a recession or not. And while we don’t like to anticipate and forecasts recessions we can say that most of the classic leading indicators at the moment are pointing to a global recession.

In other words… in our view, the facts continue to say that it’s still time to stay relatively cautious on crypto and avoid jumping into dip buying, just yet. There will be even better levels to load soon, we are thinking 10k and possibly an overshoot lower than 10k too.

What you should know:

We have been bearish crypto all the way through 2022, we turned bearish at around 45k as the FED started to tighten monetary policy and we have been bearish all the way down to current levels.

And right now we can continue to say that… it’s still NOT time to buy the dip. At least not yet, not with the current macroeconomic conditions.

Yes, without a doubt, we can see that a bullish scenario is forming on the horizon, but before that, there’s likely going to be another leg lower toward 10k.


The price you see on your favorite crypto chart it’s NOT a good indication of whether it’s time to buy. Don’t be the one that thinks BTC is “cheap” because of the price its at… It’s NOT the price that says when BTC bottoms, it’s the macroeconomic context.

And that’s why keeping a constant eye on the FED is so important. Monetary policy creates both bull markets and bear ones.

The 2020 and 2021 bull market was caused by low interest rates and QE operations, what it’s called “easy monetary policy“. While the 2022 bear market by the complete opposite policy with higher interest rates and QT operations, what’s called tight monetary policy“.

Now we are entering an entirely different macro regime for crypto and regular markets. It will be a target rich environment for short term trades and long term macro opportunities, get yourself around the right traders to trade with discipline and confidence.

That’s everything, we will update on our views with a new crypto global macro in the first week of Q2. You may want to leave us your email down below to get alerted when we publish it.

Top Fundamental Analysis Forex Signals 2025



this particular trading approach is often A PROFESSIONAL AND ADVANCED WAY TO TRADE, so HERE ARE THE BEST traders to follow BASED ON this trading style.

When it comes to signal providers there are a ton, but they are all based on classic technicals, so where can you find something different from that?

Well, the best traders that send the best fundamental analysis can be found on Telegram, and we have an excellent recommendation for that:

BeSomebodyFX best Forex Telegram channel

BeSomebodyFX is always the top recommendation as it’s the most professional and most accurate when it comes to trade recommendations.

But let me tell you more

What you need to know about fundamentals:

Most of all, is that it’s NOT just about economic indicators, the same way technical analysis is not just about historical price movements and chart patterns.

There’s more to it for both.

You can read more about central banks and monetary policy to get started in the right direction if you want to understand more about the more detailed aspects of this trading approach.

With that said, what you need to know is this type of approach can be more complex and articulated than, for instance, the classic technicals.

That’s to say that, without a doubt, signal providers that share this type of professional insights need to be experienced and highly educated on the matter.

Otherwise, if you follow inexperienced traders, you are just going to get random and useless trade ideas based on the wrong takes.

So, who’s the best to follow?

The best fundamental analysis signal provider:

BeSomebodyFX is the number one for fundamental analysis signals for Forex on Telegram.

And it’s not just about the accuracy of the trades, it’s also about the professionalism and the education in the reccomendations and insights.

For instance, there are numerous traders to follow…

But most of them are more focused on technicals, meaning they operate only based on technical analysis.

And technical traders focus mainly on analyzing the charts, with things like chart patterns, price action, and such.

Which is ok, don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly ok to approach the markets that way.

It’s alright.

But when you want a more complete and professional approach, fundamental analysis for Forex trading comes into play.

Now, this trading subject is often widely misunderstood.



And I mean…

There’s a lot of content out there, but it’s not necessarily the correct one.

If you make a basic search on Google about the subject you will find mostly just basic information and basic education that just goes as far as explaining what interest rates are and what economic indicators are.

That’s what people teach as fundamentals.

They list the various economic indicators and they teach some basic concepts about interest rates, and that’s all.

But unsurprisingly, there’s a lot more to it.

The basics are great for beginners, of course.

But at one point you have to level up to the more advanced trading concepts.

But let’s define what we are talking about exactly

What is Fundamental analysis in Forex trading:

As mentioned above, often you see and hear about this topic in the most basic and simplest way.

People talk about interest rates and economic indicators as all there is about it, but again, it’s NOT just about that.

The practical and useful way to think about this kind of approach it is to think about monetary policy and the global macroeconomic context.

It starts with central banks and their monetary policies in the macroeconomic environment.

Wait, it sounds complicated?

Sure, it’s NOT an easy subject.

An effective fundamental trade in Forex is both simple yet articulated at the same time.

And that’s exactly why following professional traders that properly show you how to analyze markets with this type of trading style is important.

And, as already mentioned…

BeSomebodyFX is the best to follow.

Forex signal with Fundamentals

What’s highly valuable is the explanations behind the idea.

In other words, the trades have solid research and details attached to explain each position.

It’s not just random signals…

That’s definitely the content that you should value as most useful and insightful for your trading because you can also learn how to trade with fundamental analysis from this kind of insights.

You know, the theory brings you so far, the practice is what really builds your experience and your knowledge.

Sure, it’s a clichè phrase, but it’s true.

So, get yourself around the right traders and start studying what they do and how they do it.

In simple, this is the kind of high quality information that you have to surround yourself with.

And this is the type of professionalism that you should follow if you are looking for high quality trade recommendations.

Makes sense?


And by the way…

Whether you are a swing trader or a short term trader it doesn’t make a difference, let me show you why…

Fundamental analysis and swing trading:

Trades with this type of approach are usually by nature swing trades, why?

Because they involve holding positions for medium to long term time horizons.

So that’s true.

But it’s NOT always true.

Obiously there are some short term positions to take with this type of market analysis that are quite profitable and professional.

A good trader, even if he prefers to take longer term positions, knows when there is a short term opportunity to take.

And if it’s high quality, he often takes it.

Or to put it differently… a good trader is open minded to both short term and longer term opportunities.

Also, an excellent swing trader combines both type of type of approaches to have the most info about a currency pair to make educated decisions with his positions.

In other words…

Swing trading is about medium to long term positions so it’s an approach that is different from intraday trading. 

But a good trader knows how to adapt between the two styles together.

And, a more macro approach to trading can generate both intraday and swing opportunities, although the swings are by far the most common.

But let’s not make any confusion…

What you need to know is simply that to make effective swing trades you need both fundamentals and technicals.



And the point is that the top Forex Telegram channels for signals usually use both the two approaches, which gives greater accuracy and better consistency.

THE DIFFERENCE FROM other types of trading styles:

The difference between technical and fundamental trade reccomendations is simple…

Signals with technical analysis are based purely on the charts and the price action, while there is a lot more around the macro aspect of trading.

Here’s exactly what I mean

Technicals are mainly about analyzing candlestick patterns, price action, patterns, market structures, and similar styles that are related to the analysis of the chart itself.

Meanwhile, trades with this particular approach are based mainly on macro fundamentals and then in addition they have some technicals too.

Because remember…

Technicals and fundamentals go hand in hand.

So it’s when you combine both that you get the most benefits.

But let’s see a practical example of a trade:
Forex fundamental analysis signal on Telegram

See how it’s not just one type of approach or the other?

There is some technical analysis, but there’s also insightful details attached to it explaining why the currency pair should move in a specific direction.

When you combine both trading styles you find the sweet spot.

That’s the professional way of doing it, combining both styles to have a complete approach to the markets to trade it correctly.

And listen, I know what you may be thinking…

Fundamentals look complicated, right?

Well, not necessarily.

Let me show you what I mean…

How to understand trades with fundamental analysis:

There is one way to understand and learn this approach to trading.

You read, and you research what you don’t understand.

Sounds too simple?

Well, yes, it’s that simple.

But let me show you an example…

Fundamental insight for Forex trading

This one is pretty straightforward and it’s the update of the other trade shared above this one.

You may noticed that, for instance, on the insight attached with the analysis there can be some terms like “yields” or “interest rates” or similars that you don’t know about.

So, what do you do about it?

You get on Google or Youtube and you research the subject to understand it better.

And if still you don’t get it, then ask questions, take notes of what doesn’t make sense to you, and try to find a way to get your head around it.

That’s how you understand this type of trading.

If you are a beginner and you need to build up your knowledge.

Now, let’s get to the next subject…

Where to find Forex signals with fundamentals:

You can get trade reccomendations on many platforms but when we talk about this type of trading style specifically, you have to be more selective.

And as already mentioned…

The majority of signal providers are only focused on technicals.


So if you are looking for price action analysis or technical charts and patterns you have plenty of traders that do that.

Some are more professional and some less.


If you are looking for content that goes deeper into macroeconomics, and I mean the type of content that is accurate and educational, then you have to follow the very best Telegram groups for Forex.

There is average, and there is high quality.

The question now is…

How do you recognize the high quality ones from the rest?

How to find high quality trades:

Well, the rule of thumb is simple…

If a signal provider sends valuable trade ideas that you find useful and that you can use in your trading, that’s a great follow.

Whether it’s intraday or longer term that’s up to you, you know what style you prefer so adjust your following based on that.

For instance, if you are more of a swing trader you shouldn’t follow intraday trades. Simply, focus on a provider that has your preferred trading style.

Now, let’s recap…

What are the best Forex fundamental signals:

The best trades are the profitable ones, simple.

But also the educational and insightful ones.

Because signals are not just about following a random analysis. I mean, trade reccomendations are also about the education and the insightfulness of the idea itself.

That’s the very first differentiation between an average signal provider and one above average, the quality of the insights sent.

And what about professionalism?

Professionalism is also a very important aspect, of course.

On Telegram you have a lot of traders to follow, but few are professional and high quality.

Let me explain why professionalism matters…

It matters because a trader needs to be disciplined in his trading, and also insightful in his communication. When a trade idea is shared it needs to be precise and concise to illustrate the trading opportunity in all its important details.

See, this type of analysis is a bit more nuanced than technicals, thus it takes a bit more experience to be traded in the right way.

With that said, it’s obvious why professionalism matters.

Always, and I repeat, ALWAYS follow experienced  and professional traders, it makes all the difference.

Above we have explained what are the best fundamental analysis signals in Forex trading and you also have a great recommendation to follow.

Now it’s time to get focused, remove the noise from the random signal providers, follow the best traders, and value the high quality fundamentals.

Best Way To Learn Forex Fundamental Analysis




There is just ONE way to truly learn Forex fundamental analysis. And that is to follow already successful traders that show you how it’s done.

This is the way, period…

There’s no book, no video, and no educational article that will teach you the ins and outs of Forex fundamentals, the best way to learn about it is to trade the markets and build your experience up.

Don’t get me wrong, the theory is needed. So yes, you should read books, watch videos and consume content about fundamentals. But the real experience is built by trading the markets.

With that said, here’s how really to do it…

Where to learn fundamental analysis for Forex trading:

Simply, Telegram is a great platform to learn about fundamentals because that’s where you can find the best channels for Forex fundamental analysis.

By following professional traders on Telegram you can build your experience. You may be wondering how?

Watch successful traders in action, read their insights, read their content, and study their trades. That’s how you do it. 

When you follow the right traders, you will naturally improve your trading experience.

Because you can assimilate all the concepts and nuances that actually make a trade, not just the theory.

Now, let me show you a practical example of what I’m talking about.

How to learn Forex fundamental analysis:

You learn about fundamentals by following traders that share valuable trade ideas and not just random signals.

In other words, learn by trading with the right minds around you while following their fundamental analysis signals. That’s a simple way to put it.

And here’s what I mean…

Look at this Forex signal below, this is the classic example of what is NOT valuable:
Example of what is not educational Forex analysis

What is there to learn from that kind of content?

Nothing, it’s just a random trade signal with no analysis behind it for you to learn from.

What I’m trying to say is that, when you follow a trade, you have to know why that trade makes sense. Like, what’s the logic behind it? And, what’s the analysis for that specific trade?

With those details, you can take notes and study the reasonings for each and every trade and you can build your experience up.

And that’s the reason why you have to follow the top Telegram channels for Forex to truly learn about it.

But let me be more specific, here’s an example of what instead is highly valuable and educational content:

Can you spot the difference? Of course, there’s a big difference between the two examples.

And that’s where you have to be smart. Now, let me explain how it works…


If you follow the random trader providing no value whatsoever you won’t increase your expertise and your knowledge, and thus you won’t learn anything.

But if you follow the insightful trader, you will pick the right ideas and insights to increase your knowledge and learn about fundamental analysis.

And I’m talking about the real fundamentals, not the nonsense that you find out there. Here’s what I mean…

What is fundamental analysis in Forex:

Macro fundamentals are about understanding central banks and monetary policy, and in knowing how to make practical use of it for actual trading.

And “knowing how to make practical use of it” is such an essential part. Because it’s NOT just about knowing the theory, you have to know how to make use of the theory.

I mean, there is a big difference between an analysis and an actual trade.

An analysis just tells you where a currency pair should go, but an actual trade needs to find an entry, a stop loss, and a take profit level.

And then, when the trade is running, there is trade management which is another important subject. Once you are in the trade you have to manage it correctly, which means not taking profits early and allowing the trade to run.

Those are all things that you learn by doing. You learn about all these little nuances by actually practicing them and seeing them in action.

it’s the BEST Forex fundamental analysis education that improves your trading:

So, if you want to learn about macro fundamentals trading you have to follow traders that send tradable trade ideas that you can study and learn from.

The “tradable ideas” are insights and trades that you can take. So you can take notes on why a certain trade was taken and then you can also take notes on how it evolves.

Because keep in mind, the most important aspect of the learning process is the notes that you take. It’s the process of studying and learning from the trades.

Make sure that you don’t overlook that part, you learn about fundamentals by studying the process and practicing it. In other words, you learn by doing the trading and taking notes so that you can repeat what works and optimize what doesn’t.

That’s the best way to learn Forex fundamental analysis:

First, you learn the basic theory. Then, you have to start following the right traders and the professional Forex signals to learn more specific details on how to actually trade it.

In simple, you follow successful and professional traders that already have the knowledge that you need, and you study them. That’s the way.

And of course, in the meantime, you also study some theory, you look for Youtube videos about the subject, read some books, and consume content about it.

But always remember that practice is what makes perfect. The theory only brings you so far, you have to trade to build up experience.

And when you follow the right signal providers you can truly learn about fundamentals. And of course, it takes some time, it’s not straightforward, and you definitely have to put in the work, that’s how it works.