Performance Recap



Alright, it’s time to recap the performance of the BeSomebodyFX Private Network inception to date.

Performance, so, let’s begin with mine…

You may not know, we are 2 traders in the Private Network sharing our trades with the members.

There is me doing medium term trades and Sean doing longer term trades.

Let’s begin with me:

I’m up around 85% since inception, with an average of 1.05% a month with a max drawdown of 6%.

The whole Private Network focuses on capital protection first, so first we make sure the account is well protected and safe and then we watch at the profits.

With a 6% drawdown, I’m pretty satisfied with the results.

But let’s see some in-depth stats for the account:

Average win of about 140 pips, and average loss of about 120 pips, with total pips gained 6120.

In total a win rate of about 50%.

It’s nothing special and spectacular but it’s enough to have consistent stable profits while protecting the capital.

And now let’s see Sean’s data:

As you can see Sean has a much better profit to drawdown ratio.

And not only that, his stats are much better overall:

Average win of about 1160 pips and loss of 263 pips, win rate is ONLY 43%.

That’s the true representation of the power of risk reward.

You don’t need a high win rate when you let the profits run and cut the losses quickly.

But it’s not everything.

Because Sean has some focus on stocks as well.

And with stocks I mean mostly the S&P500.

And so here’s his performance there too:

I can just congratulate to him and be proud and happy that he is part of the team.

He truly is a gem and his trading style is fantastic.

Sean shares his reports every sunday, then he shares the details of his pending orders to set when the market opens and that’s it, done for the week.

After that, the trades are not touched during the week…

Literally, the pending orders are set at the beginning of the week with the various details (stop loss and take profit) and that’s it, he is done for the whole week.

That is what trading is all about in my opinion, the ability to make decent profit without much effort.

The realwork smart, not hard.

I’m different from him, I’m a market junky…

Hence I love to monitor markets day in and day out, and I definitely envy his ability to just set and forget trades for the whole week and actually outperform me.

Anyway, you can check his live up to date performance anytime here on this link:

Sean’s page.

Alright, let’s get back to the Private Network performance.

Anything else to mention?


We take trades in crypto too.

Only the majors.

And obviously, crypto being more volatile yields higher returns, but keep in mind…

We DON’T short term trade it, usually.

We just ride the large macro trends in crypto, we did it with the bull market in 2020 and 2021, and we took profit and went defensive with before the bear market in 2022, to then turn long again in early 2023.

Let’s bring everything together:

Ok, how does it all look combined?

So my trades, Sean’s trades, and the crypto trades.

All combined into one equity like, how does it look?

Here it is…

Now, hold on a second!

That looks great, I know 😉

But keep in mind there are multiple periods in there where the performance goes sideways and chops for a while.

Like these two:

You can see those are about 6 to 8 months of sideways chop.

Some wins.

Some losses.

And then… more of the same. 

Back and forth, fluctuating around breakeven.

In other words…

Don’t expect gains every single week.

Consistency in trading isn’t about hitting the take profit everyday.


It’s about that steady uptrend in the equity line.

That’s what we care about.

So yes… to see the results, a bit of patience is required.

To conclude:

We have mentioned everything, this is how the Private Network is doing since inception.

But I want to take a moment to puntualize that the Private Network is MUCH more than just signals.


Because we share all our thought process to come up with a trade, and we share all our exclusive market researches.

Any decent trader can easily outperform us just by following our email notes and insights shared in the private Telegram channel and eventually even get better entries than the ones we share.

And not only that, I’m a very conservative trader so I risk even less than 0.5% a trade. 

In other words…

The performance you see in my account is the performance of a very risk averse trader.

For instance, a more risk tolerant one could easily increase the performance by taking 2% of risk per trade, or 3% and so on.

I hope this kinda makes sense…

The more you risk the higher the reward but the higher the risk as well.

As I was saying the Private Network is much more than just signals but we would be here hours if I wanted to list all the benefits of the Network so I guess I will just leave it to the reviews:



Jay from the BeSomebodyFX Team

Building the case for some temporary Dollar strength




After we have been Dollar bears for months it’s now time to gradually shift bias heading into the elections, BUT… Only temporarely.

Let me show you what we see:

It all starts with the FOMC meeting last week. 

The FED there has not given us Dollar bears anything to get excited about, the only thing that right now in the very short term could further weaken the Dollar is more QE but no signs of that at the moment, the FED story is stale and their balance sheet has not grown since June:

As we can see from the chart above the ECB balance sheet is still growing while the FED one has been stalled since June.

Also, we are probably right at the front edge of where traders (and risk managers) start to worry about the US election.

And this is beginning to be very clear looking at the CFTC data:

We can see that asset managers and speculators are slowly beginning to take profit on Dollar shorts heading into the elections and this trend is likely to continue the closer the election day gets.

There is a remarkable tendency for fear to build and volume to rise about 4 to 6 weeks before events, even events that have been on the calendar for years like an election day.

But let’s talk practical, here is how historically the Dollar performs heading into the elections:

So in the image above we can see the Dollar performance from Sept 23 to Nov 6 since the 2000s, and highlighted in yellow are the election years.

All years but one (2004), since the new millennium started have seen Dollar strength heading into the elections.


This is an old chart (from early September) but EURUSD is still in the same range and the only thing that has changed here is that Trump has gained more approvals… so we get the picture 😉.


So here we begin to see how practically some Dollar relief begins to make sense:

  • Shorts are overextended and beginning to take profit
  • Usually heading into the elections the Dollar tends to appreciate (likely caused by market hedging)
  • The FED in the very short term doesn’t have much else to offer
  • FED balance sheet stalled and no more QE until further notice while ECB one still growing
  • An ECB that is worried about EURUSD above 1.20 and ready to jawbone it lower
  • Trump approvals rising and that’s positively correlated with the Dollar

EURUSD is of course the best expression of straight USD views these days, and EURUSD longs are still out there overstretched, so just some profit taking from asset managers ahead of the elections will push EURUSD lower. 

The most important level here I feel it’s the line in the sand put by ECB Lane’s when he said the famous words “EUR matters”, price never came back to that level, and if it does come back there and nothing has changed since this post then we will be there ready to short.

Another important level is the Q3 open price that has been supporting price for a while now and that has worked wonderfully for our longs recently, so a DAILY close below that will be interesting as well.

This is our idea generation process, which is the process where we do our researches to build a trade idea, we now move into the gatekeeping phase which is where we look at the charts to give us the best entry and to confirm our view.

This above is just a small part of what we do, we now begin the process of looking at retail activity, looking at the news flow and more to give us that extra confirmation that we need to deploy capital with confidence.

We send our confirmation and further researches to our Private Network members and as always, on top of that, we send them the exact details of our trades so that they can follow our performance.

Like this:

That’s how we do it in the Private Network, if you have any question you can hit the chat button on the bottom right or send us a message on telegram, we are ALWAYS available to answer your questions and to help you out.

Have a great day.

Third trading quiz results



Trading quiz results and answer explanations...
It’s sunday and it’s f1 race day so let’s make it quick 😉

The first 4 questions are the most boring ones but bear until the OIL questions, those will maybe teach you something…

Anyway let’s begin, and let’s be quick because as i said in a few hours there is the Mugello F1 race 🤪

Average inflation targeting…

It’s the hot topic at the moment…

So the majority answered correctly here but I see there has been some confusion between letting inflation above 2% or not accepting it above.

The not accepting it above would have been a very hawkish message from the FED but what’s happening now is the exact opposite, the FED is sending a clear dovish message saying that they will let inflation run ABOVE 2% for some time.

What does this mean?

Central banks controls inflation with monetary policy, they tighten monetary policy to reduce inflation and ease it to stimulate inflation, so the average inflation targeting means that they will accept inflation to run above target for a while before hiking interest rates (tightening monetary policy)

This question is related to the average inflation targeting, with that they will let inflation run “HOT” which of course means they will let inflation rise above their targets.

This above is a textbook question…

There is one asset par excellence that is known as the “hedge against inflation”, that of course is GOLD, so if inflation is expected to run hot GOLD & SILVER are the asset to own.

And to be precise, there are many other assets that do well in an inflationary period but definitely not the Dollar.

I hope this above doesn’t need explanations…

Supply and demand controls Oil prices, but i wonder how many answered it thinking about the supply and demand zones on the charts…

Here we are NOT talking about the supply and demand taught on Youtube or in your favorite guru overpriced technical analysis course, here we are talking about the real supply and demand, meaning exports, imports, airlines demand, countries demand, countries production and so on…

What people call supply and demand on the chart are simple zones of buying and selling interest, useful sometimes yes, but not what supply and demand is.

And here indeed we go deeper on what happens when demand for an asset changes and unsurprisingly of course, if demand is decreasing and supply doesn’t decrease along with the demand then prices fall.

And let me show you a real and very recent example:

So we talked about the demand but what happens if the supply is changed, well if you reduce the supply of an asset and the demand is unchanged then there is less available in the market then price increases.

This is truly the basics of supply and demand and indeed fortunately most of you are getting it right, good job 😉

Here is my favorite one, and i’m very happy to see that many of you get these concepts pretty well.

So what happens if supply is cut but demand has slowed down more than the supply cut?

Well the cut is not enough to compensate to the slowdown in demand, so the market begins to be flooded with OVERSUPPLY and prices need to decrease to be “attractive

We saw this in March, when OPEC was trying to find an agreement to cut supply and after long negotiations, they agreed to cut 10 Million barrels per day, but this was right before the global pandemic and during the Chinese lockdown where flights were already stopping and travels were slowing down, demand was so low that the OPEC cut was not enough to compensate with the oversupply, storages began to fill with unsold OIL barrels and that inevitably led OIL to levels unseen before:

This above is the true example of why CONTEXT is sooo important in trading.

A 10 Million barrel per day cut in a world where demand has slowed by more than 29 Million barrel per day…

Some simple math of course brings us to a staggering oversupply of 19 Million barrel per day that didn’t know where to go and where to be stored.

A bit of confusion here guys…

This is something that we have been closely tracking in the Private Network for the past 5 months.

The central bank looking to go negative rates right now is the RBNZ.

But hey, this doesn’t mean that you can go outhere and short the NZD everywhere, remember the word CONTEXT, the right pair to buy here begins with an A and ends with a D 😉

Oh and by the way, the ECB has negative rates since June 2014… Trollface | Know Your Meme Where did those 14 votes come from?

So what happens when one central bank is more dovish then another?

We here we are looking at a monetary policy divergence, where central bank X is dovish while central bank Y is neutral, this inevitably leads to the depreciation of central bank X currency against central bank Y currency, so the correct answer is indeed “look to buy”.

This is exactly what’s happening with the pair that begins with A and ends with D 😉

This is an interesting one, people are a little confused on what “currency intervention” means.

And we have been talking recently about it with the ECB meeting where the market was scared about a possible ECB intervention…

But then, what “intervention” means?

When a central bank intervenes in the market it’s to devaluate their currency, a strong domestic currency is not in the interest of central banks so when they intervene is to stop their currency from appreciating too much as that would put pressure on exports and inflation.

And that is it…

It definitely was the easiest quiz we have ever prepared and you can see it from the % of correct answers.

I hope you enjoyed it and found this educational, If you want to delve deeper in our trading style, check the BeSomebodyFX Private Networkyou will have professional macro traders telling you  exactly what they are doing with their own money each step of the way, so that you are increasing the probability of being successful and so that you can learn along the way.

Have a good Sunday and a good week.

And enjoy the race for all the F1 fans out there like me, Mugello what a great track.

A little tip to drastically improve your trading




It is too good, in some cases, but let me get straight to the point…

I’m in a good mood this weekend (F1 race weekend) so you know when i’m in a good mood i like to share stuff for you guys…

The whole point of this article is retail emotions…

The point here is that the crowd is impulsive and trades emotionally…

They get irritated easily so when a trade is in drawdown they take it personally, and sometimes their irritation will even make them switch position for no reason…

Don’t lie, you are guilty of that aren’t you?

And knowing this can give us an advantage in our trading.


Yes, and let me explain…

So for instance, the average Joe is seeing price breaking out of major resistance, he is telling himself “I can’t miss this buy, this is going to flyyyy” he buys at market price right at the break of the resistance, and you guessed it, right when he buys price starts to squeeze him out of the trade, it keeps squeezing and squeezing and Joe is telling himself “ah this was a false break now it’s time to sell let me reverse my position“…

You guessed it, when he reverses his position the market continues in the originally intended position, so Joe (sorry Joe) turned what was a good idea, so the long position, into two losers against what could have been 1 winner…

Let’s see exactly what i mean…

As you can see in the image above we have an uptrend where if we look at the retail sentiment I’m sure we see retails selling because they are always trying to pick the top in a trending market, so let’s suppose for the sake of the example that retails are selling this market.

We get a small bearish move that attracts further bears to step in and set their stop losses above the high.

Here comes the fun part because as you can see in the image above price comes close to their stop loss but it doesn’t hit it.


Because it wants to build more liquidity above, it wants to induce more sellers that will now jump in thinking of this as a double top or strong proven resistance.

So in the image above price finally hits the liquidity level, now we know there are either breakout buyers waiting to buy that break or the same retails that were short now frustrated and emotionally irritated reverse their position and buy the breakout giving themselves all the excuses in the world “this is going to fly now” “there is huge momentum to the upside” and so on…

The best part…

So now the market here is causing real pain (which is what it likes to do) because it’s now squeezing the late breakout buyers and inducing all kinds of self destructive thoughts for who was short and got stopped earlier “why i didn’t have my stop loss a few pips higher?” “why are they targeting my stop losses?” “should i add more when my stop loss gets hit?“, while the late breakout buyers are gradually all closing their positions in pain and probably reversing trade thinking it was a false break while all the previous seller and now getting back in (likely increasing position size as well… Human nature…) thinking the real bearish move is now about to happen after that “stop hunt

The image above is self explanatory, this is by far one of the most useful psychological pattern in the markets that helps you first in not getting trapped, second in recognizing that this is indeed happening and to not fall trap and finally in exploiting this to your favour so that you can get the best entry after a breakout instead of FOMOing in the market.

And sure there will be the times the market breaks the resistance and just flies away with big momentum but if you want to have a healthy and long trading career then chasing that momentum won’t give you that, professional traders let the market come to them, they never chase it.

Quick and useful tip that can help your trading career…

We are writing a full “research paper” on all this stuff where various patterns similar to this will be listed with details, explanations, studies and so on, we are just a few pages in so it’s going to take some time to organize everything…

Of course it’s going to be available only to our Private Network members 😉

The example above is the representation of the perfect pattern but the real market is different, you will get perfect setups here and there but most of the time you will get various degrees of the same thing with slight variations, which is why it’s important to metabolize the core concept of liquidity and retail emotions in the market and not the pattern itself, the pattern is simply a representation of what’s happening in the retail mind.

So for the time being make sure you study the pattern shared above and next time you want to buy or sell a breakout right away think twice because there are tons of retails doing the same.

If you want to delve deeper in our trading style, check the BeSomebodyFX Private Network, you will have professional macro traders telling you  exactly what they are doing with their own money each step of the way, so that you are increasing the probability of being successful and so that you can learn along the way.

We won’t accept any new member when the market opens and it’s limited to 5 new members, (3 already booked) so 2 seats left, the next enrolling will be only in September, or October, or next year? Trollface | Know Your Meme

Join Now

If you have any question hit the chat button on the bottom right or send me a message on Telegram and i get your questions answered quickly.

You may learn a thing or two from this




I don’t even know why I’m writing this but I need to vent and share what happened just because I like writing stuff down.

So, where do I start?

Right, it all happens with me running a few ads on Telegram for the BeSomebodyFX public group, so pretty much here and there I pay other channels to send a promotional message to their followers.

Why I do this?

Simply because I don’t want to do the “link exchange” which is basically when Channel A shares Channel B link and Channel B shares Channel A link.

Because I care about making every message I send on the public group valuable so if I start sending other channels links it becomes spammy and the quality drops which I don’t want, to not mention the fact that I would be sharing links to channels that are in 90% of the times scams.

But anyway it all started here, me searching for a channel to run this promo message.

I will not mention the channel name and I will blur it in the screenshots because I don’t want you guys sending him hate, in the end he didn’t really do anything wrong (except defaming me) but the guy probably got scammed a few times on Telegram so he was over defensive because of that.

So I send this guy a message asking if he is ok in sending a promotional message on his channel, and I would have paid him for that post to remain there for 24h.

So the concept here is i pay him to promote me on his channel, makes sense?

All good, so we find a deal on the amount of money, I send the transaction and I go eat…

When I got back things escalated very quickly…

Ok so wait a second, what is even happening here?

So the guy saw that the transaction was still pending and thought I was trying to scam him.

First of all, scam of what? a few views on your channel?

I’m the one paying you to post a promotional message on your channel, how is that even supposed to be a scam?

I tried to understand what was happening and tried to explain him that it can take up to a few hours to complete the transaction (that’s how slow BTC is yes) but the guy didn’t want to hear anything, I was the king of scammers for him just because the transaction was yet to be confirmed, and he replied sending me a video on how BTC transaction could be faked with a specific software, yeah except that i was using the BLOCKCHAIN APP and it was clearly visible on the screenshot i sent him…


So i checked on my side if there was something wrong and there wasn’t anything, the payment was sent and it was waiting to be confirmed, this how BTC works… (you can check the transaction ID and everything it’s all public online on blockchain)

Meanwhile he did a very wise thing… Very wise… (i’m sarcastic)

Instead of giving me a chance and waiting a few hours for the transaction to complete he immediately started to defame me in his channels and a few of his friend’s channels…

Mh ok, you know what you are doing here right?

You probably are too young  to know that if you defame a legit business you can get into serious troubles, but anyway I will take the necessary legal actions only if required, which I truly hope I’m not.

So getting back on topic, things were getting heated and I was just there waiting for the transaction to complete while this guy defamed me who knows where, so I ridicolously thought…

Wait maybe I really did something wrong with the transaction?

Maybe I clicked the wrong button or something? or maybe the blockchain app is bugged? i was going crazy, this guy was soooo convinced that was really making me think I was in the wrong.

So I said ok let me send you another transaction with another app (this time I upped the fee for the transaction to be faster) just to be sure, (you can check the transaction ID on blockchain, it’s all public and transparent)

I sent it, sent him the ID of the transaction, both where in the blockchain but nothing this guy didn’t want to hear a thing, both transactions were “fake” because he was scammed once from another guy and he just kept defaming me on his channel, I was left with nothing but patience, patience to wait for the transaction to complete, something that clearly he didn’t have.

And then he came up with a co admin thing?

I was losing my mind there, the guy was just throwing stuff at me without thinking, i asked him who’s the “co admin” just to be sure he didn’t say Sean Paris which is actually the only other admin in the BeSomebodyFX group, but he said i deleted him at the time i deleted him, so i probably busted him contacting members privately on the chat, happened many times already (and people ask me why i don’t share the link for the public chat anymore… This is why)

I have no control on who contacts who in the public chat (which is the reason i don’t share the link for that anymore), so people get contacted by promoters or scammers privately selling stuff or promoting their channels everyday, we DO NOT contact anybody privately unless you texts us FIRST!

This is a lesson for everybody, no real business contacts you randomly on telegram selling you something unless you contacted him first showing interest, so if you get a random message from somebody you don’t know claming to be whoever he wants to be, then you can be sure 99% that he is a scam, Does this open your eyes? if it does you have a problem because you should already know that, it’s so dumb obvious! I hope i’m not the only one thinking it.

And most of all, if a stranger contacted you privately for no reason selling you something on Telegram and you really send him money then you deserve the lesson, period.

If you have to buy something you must have trusted and verified reviews, any sort of track record that it’s not a random weekly pip count and shows at least a few years of trading, and/or at least a website to process payments with trusted partners like PayPal or Stripe and not BTC that can’t be refunded.

So anyway I went to sleep but yet I couldn’t sleep well, knowing that after years of hard work trying to build something real to help traders, a random guy that doesn’t understand how BTC transactions work puts me on the “hall of shame” for something that I didn’t do, trust me it’s a little frustrating and irritating.

So I woke up during the night (4AM) and I checked how the BTC transaction were going and UNSURPRISINGLY both transactions went through after the regular required confirmations by the blockchain…

Yes of course both transactions went through, but the other guy was sleeping like a baby while I couldn’t sleep on it, so I was left there once again waiting patiently, until finally…

He deleted all the false accusations knowing he did a mistake…

I want to specify that i have nothing against this guy in particular, i’m just writing this to vent out what happened because i couldn’t sleep all night knowing that for something i didn’t do, the BeSomebodyFX brand was getting defamed, it took years to build the trust of followers, honest feedback and reviews and seeing it all getting defamed for no reason was really disturbing.

To wrap it up…

I just needed to vent all the frustration for what happened and share the experience, as i said i have nothing against this guy specifically, and the guy probably has been scammed a few times already on Telegram and so he went overdefensive which is kinda understandable so he did an honest mistake, and he just wasn’t informed of how BTC transaction work and on top of that probably was in a bad mood.

Before coming to conclusion guys always do your own researches, it applies in everything, both trading and life, do you own researches before coming to conclusions the same way you should do when you read a trade analysis online, if you act impulsively most of the time you are going to get into troubles, patience is a virtue.

Best forex telegram group 2025

best forex telegram channels


Best forex telegram group
I’m sure you have come across hundreds of different types of signal providers, right? Well, you surely are now frustrated because of the lack of professionalism in this industry.

In this article, I will share the very best forex signal telegram group for 2025 and beyond where analysis and trade recommendations are shared.

But hey, it won’t be the average type.


This will be completely different from what you are used to.

As a result in these Forex telegram channels you will see real macro-micro fundamentals with professional tools and analysis.

So if you are smart enough you will learn a lot from it

It’s not going to be classic useless kind of Telegram channel.


These are NOT the average signal providers.

These are instead run by real professional Forex traders.

So the choice will be yours to join them or remain in the losing 90% of retails following the average ones.


So, the best forex telegram group is first of all…



In this Telegram channel you will find medium to long term (with a few short term opportunities here and there) trades.

At first it will definitely look confusing as the analysis are sometimes not easy to understand.

But that’s what a professional analysis looks like, it’s detailed and with various confirmations.

In other words, stick with this channel and you will find yourself profitable, instead of running around hundreds of Telegram groups run by kids with no trading experience.

The second best Forex signals Telegram for 2025 and beyond is:


Link: tme/ridethepig

Firstly it’s important to say that this one, like the first channel, it’s NOT run by a kid with no experience, but it’s run by a professional trader that knows what he is doing.

However here the analysis will not be easy either.

You have to put some work or you won’t get anywhere.


Above here i just shared you two of the best forex telegram groups.

And most importantly be careful because telegram is a deep hole in terms of forex telegram channels.

Because there are thousands of them and 95% are run by kids with no experience.

Above all, you have to be picky and select ONLY the best ones.


Cut out all the noise and focus on the best.

And yes even if it means less trades and less analysis, focus on quality over quantity.

To clarify, make sure you avoid channels where the owner flexes about his profits or just sells you his VIP group.

This is what you must avoid in a Forex signals Telegram group:

As you can see It doesn’t provide any value to your trading, and it’s just random.

That is to say that you must have in your portfolio the best groups.

And the two mentioned are your choice. 

So avoid the rest, focus on their analysis and you will learn a lot.

You will find your accuracy rate improves when you focus on high quality traders rather than random groups that send too many trades.

What you need to know about Forex Telegram groups:

Now let’s say that you follow a group and that you start seeing that it’s not transparent.

What do you do?

Well, it goes without saying that you should be more carefully with its trades.

You see, the first and most important factor is transparency.

It’s not a surprise to know that even highly professional traders have some losing trades here and there.

Thus the traders that are transparent about their losing trades are the ones that you should start listening to.

What matters is consistency, not accuracy.

Consistency is what brings the results over time.

You may find a group that is very accurate with the trade signals, but he has a tiny take profit and a large stop loss.

You don’t need to be schooled on why that’s the wrong approach, right?

Remember, consistency is what matters with Forex signals.


BeSomebodyFX, and RideThePig are two of the finest forex online signal telegram channel that you can find. 

Stick with them and you will learn how professionals work.

Other groups usually have a lot of “fluff” going on in between.

The average ones out there are NOT straightforward.

So, we take all of that into consideration, and thus we focus on quality over quantity in choosing the best ones to follow.

So, what is the best Forex Telegram group?

BeSomebodyFX sits on top of the list. It has great macro fundamental traders, great trade ideas and insights and on top of all that, it has great trades to follow.

There are other Forex Telegram groups that are worth mentioning as well, which we have already discussed in another article.

But BeSomebodyFX is the best for consistency and professionalism.

The best Forex signal Telegram group is also the most consistent:

Like mentioned above, consistency in trading is the most important thing. You can have some wins here and there, but if you can’t keep that up consistently you don’t go anywhere.

That is why when you follow a traders you don’t have to just see his past couple of trades and see how those went.

No, a couple of trades are NOT enough to judge professionalism and consistency appropriately.

First, if the trader has a myfxbook that’s even better, that way you can see exactly the historical performance.

But if one doesn’t have it then you must study and analyze his trades first to judge if he is consistent or not before you follow the signals.

That’s all about Telegram Forex Online Signal Groups?

Yes, above I shared you the two most trusted ones where you can learn the most.

In conclusion Telegram is a great application where you can find several forex channels that will provide you with good content and signals.

But here in this article, I have shared with you two of the best ones.

Make of that the best, you can improve your trading by following professional traders.

You need to cut out all the noise, cut all the noisy forex telegram channels that don’t provide any value and focus on what does.

By the way, did you check our Private Network?

History and how it can help us in our trading



Some of you may find this post very boring and some of you will find it extremely valuable and informative, so i’m writing this for all the market nerds like myself that love this stuff, but if you aren’t one then give it a read anyway.

What I want to talk about is how history can help us in our trading and how we can study it to help us approach future similar events in the right way.

It may be a little boring at first but hold on until the end because there are a few gold nuggets for your trading and there is a great opportunity that you can capitalize in the near future 😉


So let’s get started…

First the “boring” part for most of the traders that are reading this.

In the US the biggest panic narrative was of course in 1929 and i’m sure you all studied it in school right?… Right?

Well, it was the 1929 market crash that gave us the notion of indeed the word “crash”, before that the phrase “boom and crash” was used only in relation to something else like the sound of thunder or whatever was appropriate in the historical period.

But the ‘29 crash completely changed the human perspective and the main significance of the word “crash” which from then on it was related mainly to the stock market.

And of course we all know this came back various times since then, we have 2001 and 2008 as the most recent examples, not to mention 2020 crash.


Yes but then what’s the point?

These narratives that happened years and even almost a century ago can be useful to read current events…

If we want to have a better understanding of what’s happening in a specific period of time we are living, then we always need to recognize that we are often experiencing a slight mutation of the most similar historical event.


Did I lose you already? 

Well speaking about crashes, what i’m trying to say is that the human mind can be very pessimistic and sadic in these periods because most people want to see the world burn, they want to see the end of “world order”, the end of the markets as well all know it and so on…

I find very interesting how aggressively most people are extrapolating the current situation (COVID19) out into the forever future.

It’s similar to how people were talking about the market in 2008 and in 2001.

The consensus was: “The market is toast.” “Nobody will want to invest in stocks again”.

Since then, well we all know how well the US stock market performed.

Pessimistic biases tend to be magnified aggressively after a salient, scary thing like COVID19 happens.

We tend to project the current circumstances out forever when in real life the world often reverts or goes off in a completely different direction more quickly than one could possibly imagine when still living in the middle of the scary thing.

The markets are forward looking by at least 6 months so they can and they will “price in” the recovery much earlier than what everybody would expect.

And we are not hypothesizing here, the world has encountered many many many many apocalyptic events that the majority thought would have signed the end of capital markets, but nope so far the world hasn’t ended, it always gets back up, over and over again, probably we have a lot to learn from it.

And history teaches us this, humans tend to exaggerate the conclusions and while the majority is pessimistic and believes the world will end after a certain event a few smart investors load up positions anticipating the world getting back on its feet and the market recovering like it always did for the past century at least.

We all want to be the next Michael Burry (who?) and bet on the market collapse but for every 1 investor that capitalized on a crash there are 10 that created wealth from buying cheap, who has the advantage here?

I’m not saying you to buy every dip but i’m saying you that its wise to do what worked in the past and so far buying the dips has worked very well, you just need to build a tool that helps you doing that and helps you time well the entries and we personally did it very well, you can check it here.


But how do you do that?

Well I can’t give you the all the sauce here but I can point you in the right direction, and a good start is studying leading indicators (not the indicators you are thinking of… leading indicators are economic indicators that lead the lagging indicators) like PMIs (especially the ISM in the US), Building Permits and Consumer Confidence (University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment in the US)

I can guarantee you that it’s not hard and if you squeeze your brain a little you will find the answer on how to buy the dips after a crash in those three indicators.


And my favorite, Heavy Truck Sales:

The grey shaded parts are US recessions, do you see what i’m seeing?

Well i hope you do, here is a tweet we sent a while ago (pre COVID crash)

The stock market moves on GDP expectations for the next 6 to 12 months, so learn to predict GDP (lagging indicator) by studying leading indicators and you will have a great advantage in long term investing, i have said enough 😉



What else?

This is the most straight forward and simple example i can do relative to the US stock market performance but by studying historical events and the impact they had on the economy (keeping a close eye on leading indicators) we can be better prepared for what the future might throw at us in every sector, stocks, currencies, commodities and so on.

And it doesn’t stop here because this concept doesn’t apply only to historical events, we are talking about chart patterns as well…

Always ask yourself if “A” is happening what usually follows? as in what happened after “A” in the past year or decade depending on your timeframe?

You may find out that you have a solid pattern to trade on, and sometimes it may even go against everything you have been taught by the instagram and youtube furus out there. 



Here is a recent example that we are looking to trade on.

This is COST, and you will find in this chart that the first time the RSI goes overbought after being oversold price tends to rally in the following months, and yes this is the bonus for all the curious readers that made it until here you can buy COST hereand hold for a few months until satisfied with the profit.

Is this just random?

Of course it is, everything is random but there can be order in randomness as well, what we rely on, in this case, is in the concept of “When A happened then B followed X% of the times in the past X years”, there isn’t, of course, a guarantee that B will happen but what we have a few odds in our favor if it worked in the past.

So as you can see this concept of studying history and how a certain event impacted price on the chart can be applied in both real historical events and technical formations on the charts as well.

On the technical side sometimes you may just be trading the right pattern but in the wrong asset, let’s take a classic bearish/bullish flag pattern for instance.

It’s a great pattern that can be extremely profitable if put into context, so sometimes you just need to do some chart work and see how many times in this specific currency pair, commodity or stock a bull flag worked well? you may scroll on your chart and see that 8 flags out of 10 didn’t work in that asset, so would you still trade it?

Of course not, history is proving you that in that specific asset that specific pattern doesn’t work or at least recently didn’t work well.

At the same time you may find that price after breaking the flag usually spikes on the opposite side to stop hunt all the breakout traders before following in the intended direction, so what would you do in this case? would you still buy right at the breakout or would you buy the stop hunt to get the best entry price possible?

And on the opposite is true as well, you may find out in a specific asset that 8 times out of 10 when price broke a flag it never came back to retest the broken flag, so when the next flag breaks will you look to trade the retest or will you enter a position right at the break?

Exactly a few minutes ago while i was writing this article a friend of mine was looking to buy a specific stock at the NY open, the stock gapped up and he asked me “what do i do now?” “do i buy here or wait for the gap to fill?”

The answer is easy, there is no fixed rule, the rule will change for every asset, just look at some chart history and see at least in the past 10 gaps how many times price filled it and how many times it just run away?

It filled the gap 7 times out of 10? good then wait for the gap to fill before buying…

Price usually never fills the gap and just runs away leaving it open? good then don’t wait for the gap to fill…



Tons of examples can be made here, it’s all about getting used in looking at how the chart reacted when event “X” happened which could be the FED going 0% interest rates, a global pandemic, RSI going overbought, a technical breakout of a flag or resistance and so on… You may find very interesting results.

I hope this little article was informative, have a great day and stay safe out there.




Jay from the BeSomebodyFX Team

SILVER opportunity coming up…



Possible long on silver coming up this week
It’s race day!

Today the F1 resumes finally after a long long long break, so every Formula 1 fan is excited now and i feel generous today so i decided to share with you an email that we sent an hour ago to all the Private Network members…

It’s not just a random boring email don’t worry…

It illustrates a great opportunity that is coming up this week in SILVER.


By the way the historical edge that we mention for Natural Gas  at the beginning of the email was a short from June 16 and still ongoing, you can check how that worked in the chart by yourself 😉

Always remember longevity in Forex trading can only be achieved through trading with good RISK and MONEY MANAGEMENT, so don’t forget to always use money management when opening a position, there is no certainty and there is no easy money, keep it professional and you will be rewared.

We personally use a research driven approach for our trades and we use technical analysis only to time our entries, if you want to learn more on how we work and add an edge to your trading with our daily insights while at the same time following our trades with exact entries and exits, then check out the Private Network.

Enjoy the race if you are an F1 fan too, and if you are not then enjoy your Sunday, see you during the week in the public Telegram channel or even better in the Private one if you decide to join us before the open (the link to join will close right before the market open).

Second trading quiz results



quiz results and explanations
You are here to know the correct answers to the quiz right?

Cool, let’s start…

The first question was about market pricing

So in a hypothetical event (RBA rate decision) the market heads into the rate decision expecting a 100bps rate cut which is of course a negative for the Australian Dollar (in simple, cuts are negative while hikes are positive for a currency).

BUT the market is more complex and the RBA did cut rates BUT only a small 25bps cut, which would have been a negative if only the market wasn’t pricing a 100bps cut, so in simple the RBA underdelivered in this case hence it was a HUGE relief for the Australian Dollar which would have rallied on the back of it, so the correct answer here is “it pumps.

The concept of what’s priced in and what not is extremely important in trading, why?

Take for instance the recent huge unemployment numbers that we are seeing, you may look at the data release and say “woahhh 16% UnemPloyMent rate in the US that’s HUUUGEE the DOllAr is going to dUmP…”

But instead the Dollar it’s not moving, the data is release, it’s a crazy number but the market moves just a few pips, why? because it was EXPECTED and PRICED IN, so everybody already knew that the unemployment rate was going to be awful hence the marked already did its thing weeks in advance.

It’s always important to know what’s priced into the market and what not, makes sense?

This is pretty basic, anything that creates tensions in the middle east hence putting OIL production at risk is POSITIVE for OIL, and at the same time anything that creates tensions in the world is GOLD POSITIVE so the correct answer here is “they both pump“.

Should i even comment on this? ☝️


And this one made the most kills, 10Y T Notes and GOLD are extremely correlated, if one pumps the other does too and if for some reason one is moving while the other isn’t then it’s time to squeeze your brain and find the reason to understand which one is lagging who, because you may have a great trading opportunity.

So the correct answer here is “They are positively correlated” so if T Notes pump then GOLD pumps too.

And for the smart lads that thought two different assets don’t affect each other, it’s time to learn that currencies and some commodities are all interconnected with the bond market.

I wonder if the traders that answered down ever read one of our public analysis?

It’s literally almost a cornerstone concept of our analysis…

A contrarian approach to retails…

If retails are short the path of least resistance is UP…

Why? because most of the time you are trying to pick tops and bottoms in trending markets genious!

This could be a heated subject but the consensus is clear, if Biden wins the elections the stock market should react negatively at least in the short term…

The thinking behind this is that if a Democrat wins the White House, the party is virtually certain to win both houses of Congress due to next year’s Senate math, and, in turn, that could likely result in the unwinding of fiscal and regulatory policies that contributed to the current economic expansion. 

And yes hate it or love him Trump is actually GOOD for the stock market:

This of course before the COVID19 hit the world economy, but that’s what we call an exogenous (something that has an external cause or origin) black swan event,  and at this rate i wouldn’t even be surprised if we get back to ATH before November’s elections…


The correct answer here is “Easing means cutting interest rates and tightening means hiking interest rates

This one looks more like confusion between the term hawkish and dovish…

Most of you agree that at least they should CUT rates which is correct, in this hypothetical scenario the RBA sets an acceptable level for the Unemployment rate and if it goes above that they are prepared to act (prepared to act means prepared to cut rates in this case), unemployment goes wayyy above their level and the next logical move (as specified by the RBA itself with the “prepared to act”) is to indeed CUT rates or at least send a DOVISH message.

Why Dovish message and not hawkish one?

Don’t forget an hawkish central bank is a bank looking to hike rates and optimist about future outlook, while a dovish central bank is a bank looking to cut rates and with a negative outlook on their economy, so correct answer is “CUT or at least send DOVISH message”.

MARIO DRAGHI! mario-draghi-celebrity-mask-removebg-previewmario-draghi-celebrity-mask-removebg-preview

MARIO DRAGHI! mario-draghi-celebrity-mask-removebg-previewmario-draghi-celebrity-mask-removebg-preview

I’m Draghi’s fan did you notice?

For your interest, this is Jared Leto:

Yeah definitely not a central banker…

Now last question:

This question looks taken straight out of a school test…

And i will let Google answer this one:

Yes the correct answer is a “weak currency“, and the RBNZ is a great example of this, it’s in their mandate to keep the NZD relatively weak to help their exports hence support the economy.


And that’s it…

We had only 2 traders that scored 100 on the quiz, the first one won a free month in the Private Network so congratz, while the second can whistle for it ‘cos he got too late… 

The Most Important Skill In Trading



It’s race day!

Traders develop daily rather than in a day, a good trader understands that it takes time to be a good trader, that it’s not something you do or become quickly, it’s not something that you become after you read one book or you buy one course…

Often people come to me after 1 week of being in the private network and they say “I’m so excited, I see everything clearly now, I understand everything”

Nono… Today you are BEGINNING to understand but you are not going to understand the markets just in a week or after you took 2 profitable trades, it takes time, it’s a process…

So as a beginner trader you need to understand that today you are only beginning the journey, what you also need to understand is that it’s a process so it will take time to develop great trader skills

And so the most important skill of a successful trader is discipline:

Read carefully, discipline is much more important than vision, when people think of trading they think of vision, they say “here is what I want” and they see their accounts and plan the amount of money they want to make and the timeframe to reach that and so on…

That’s vision.

Now, vision can be important don’t get me wrong, vision is the fuel for your will but discipline is much more important than vision because discipline is behavior, discipline isn’t what we see (that’s vision), discipline is what we do… 

And what we do and how we do it determines where we are going and what our account is going to accomplish.

Now, discipline determines how well you succeed in trading…

let me explain…

If you put your level of discipline on a scale from 1 to 10 so let’s say for instance you are a 5, you are an average level of discipline, well now you need to put your account performance in that same scale from 1 to 10 BUT here is what happens…

There is a law in trading that you can’t perform better than how much you are disciplined, so in simple if you are a level 5 discipline you can’t perform in your trading at a level 10 or at a level 8, your level of discipline will always cap your performance, this is true for everybody in the long term.

Now, of course you can be undisciplined get lucky and turn 100$ into 1000$ in a week but I can tell you that it’s not sustainable and sooner than later you will search on google:

This rule applies to everybody, over the long term you can’t perform better than your discipline level.

Now here comes the magic, people come to me and ask me:

“How can I grow my trading performance?”

Well, very simple grow your discipline skills, so what that means is that the better we learn to be disciplined the more potential we have of performing better on our trading accounts

The great news that I want to share with you is that you can learn to be more disciplined but I can’t help you with that…

Being in a professional community of traders like the Private Network definitely can help you but you have to work on that by yourself in your daily life too, if you are not disciplined in your life that will reflect in your trading performance.

So if my discipline level on a scale from 1 to 10 is a 5 that means my trading performance is maximum a 5 and it cannot go any higher.


Unless I increase my discipline level, and you can do that, in other words, is possible to take your discipline score to a 5 to a 7 or to a 9, you now have room for your trading performance to grow to an 8 or a 9, once you understand and accept that then things begin to be amazing, you start to see how your daily life behavior and your habits impact your trading, and trust me you don’t have power in controlling the markets but you have all the power in the world to control and change your daily habits.

And when you have a whole Network of professional macro fund managers telling you what they are doing with their own money each step of the way, then you are increasing the probability of being successful.

That is what the BeSomebodyFX Private Network offers you, with an emphasis on first protecting your wealth, and positioning your capital to profit.

What does the Network get you?

  • Access to insights & guidance from top tier traders
  • Access to our live trades, from long term to short term opportunities
  • Access to all our researches, info and insights
  • Access to a professional helpful community via private chat

…all for less than a daily cup of coffee

Now i can go ahead all day listing you the features and benefits of the Private Network but i will let our reviews speak for us…

I hope to welcome you in our Private Network soon, so you can start networking with our global member base.

Yes we just opened a few extra seats to join the Network…

This extra enrolment will close in 24h…

Should you have any questions about joining in the meantime, simply send us a message on Telegram @JayRally and i will get your questions answered.