Alright, it’s time to recap the performance of the BeSomebodyFX Private Network inception to date.
Performance, so, let’s begin with mine…
You may not know, we are 2 traders in the Private Network sharing our trades with the members.
There is me doing medium term trades and Sean doing longer term trades.
Let’s begin with me:

I’m up around 85% since inception, with an average of 1.05% a month with a max drawdown of 6%.
The whole Private Network focuses on capital protection first, so first we make sure the account is well protected and safe and then we watch at the profits.
With a 6% drawdown, I’m pretty satisfied with the results.
But let’s see some in-depth stats for the account:

Average win of about 140 pips, and average loss of about 120 pips, with total pips gained 6120.
In total a win rate of about 50%.
It’s nothing special and spectacular but it’s enough to have consistent stable profits while protecting the capital.
And now let’s see Sean’s data:

As you can see Sean has a much better profit to drawdown ratio.
And not only that, his stats are much better overall:

Average win of about 1160 pips and loss of 263 pips, win rate is ONLY 43%.
That’s the true representation of the power of risk reward.
You don’t need a high win rate when you let the profits run and cut the losses quickly.
But it’s not everything.
Because Sean has some focus on stocks as well.
And with stocks I mean mostly the S&P500.
And so here’s his performance there too:

I can just congratulate to him and be proud and happy that he is part of the team.
He truly is a gem and his trading style is fantastic.
Sean shares his reports every sunday, then he shares the details of his pending orders to set when the market opens and that’s it, done for the week.
After that, the trades are not touched during the week…
Literally, the pending orders are set at the beginning of the week with the various details (stop loss and take profit) and that’s it, he is done for the whole week.
That is what trading is all about in my opinion, the ability to make decent profit without much effort.
The real “work smart, not hard”.
I’m different from him, I’m a market junky…
Hence I love to monitor markets day in and day out, and I definitely envy his ability to just set and forget trades for the whole week and actually outperform me.
Anyway, you can check his live up to date performance anytime here on this link:
Alright, let’s get back to the Private Network performance.
Anything else to mention?
We take trades in crypto too.
Only the majors.
And obviously, crypto being more volatile yields higher returns, but keep in mind…
We DON’T short term trade it, usually.
We just ride the large macro trends in crypto, we did it with the bull market in 2020 and 2021, and we took profit and went defensive with before the bear market in 2022, to then turn long again in early 2023.
Let’s bring everything together:
Ok, how does it all look combined?
So my trades, Sean’s trades, and the crypto trades.
All combined into one equity like, how does it look?
Here it is…

Now, hold on a second!
That looks great, I know 😉
But keep in mind there are multiple periods in there where the performance goes sideways and chops for a while.
Like these two:

You can see those are about 6 to 8 months of sideways chop.
Some wins.
Some losses.
And then… more of the same.
Back and forth, fluctuating around breakeven.
In other words…
Don’t expect gains every single week.
Consistency in trading isn’t about hitting the take profit everyday.
It’s about that steady uptrend in the equity line.
That’s what we care about.
So yes… to see the results, a bit of patience is required.
To conclude:
We have mentioned everything, this is how the Private Network is doing since inception.
But I want to take a moment to puntualize that the Private Network is MUCH more than just signals.
Because we share all our thought process to come up with a trade, and we share all our exclusive market researches.
Any decent trader can easily outperform us just by following our email notes and insights shared in the private Telegram channel and eventually even get better entries than the ones we share.
And not only that, I’m a very conservative trader so I risk even less than 0.5% a trade.
In other words…
The performance you see in my account is the performance of a very risk averse trader.
For instance, a more risk tolerant one could easily increase the performance by taking 2% of risk per trade, or 3% and so on.
I hope this kinda makes sense…
The more you risk the higher the reward but the higher the risk as well.
As I was saying the Private Network is much more than just signals but we would be here hours if I wanted to list all the benefits of the Network so I guess I will just leave it to the reviews:
Jay from the BeSomebodyFX Team