I know, you are looking for the best Telegram channels for Forex signals, the top ones, The best of the best, right?

Great, you will find many different recommendations around the web for what are the best Forex Telegram channels for 2025 and beyond.

We have also already written extensively about the best professional Forex signals subject.

But unsurprisingly, there is a large distinction to be made between the various signal providers.

Yes, because there are professional signals and unprofessional ones.

Sounds logical, right?

It sure is logical. So, let’s make it very simple, we are not going to list too many channels, just three.

The top 3 Forex Telegram channels for 2025 and beyond:
  1. BeSomebodyFX
  2. UncleBullFX
  3. Wealth FX Hunter

As I said, there are a lot of average signal providers out there…

BUT what about the BEST ones?

That’s a whole different story, and those are very few. Now, let’s say you want some signals for your trading

The first thing you Google Best Forex signals on Telegram” or “Free Forex signals”.

Google search for the best Telegram channels for Forex trading

Now, imagine you have no experience on the subject, it gets pretty confusing, doesn’t it?

I know, most of the lists out there have just random channels that are copied from one another. They don’t have really valuable recommendations.

All those websites that claim to send profitable Forex signals, and don’t even have a track record. Yes, a simple track record like a myfxbook.

Hence, here instead of listing too many random signal providers like other articles, we just list the top 3. Sounds cool?

Here is the best Forex Telegram channel:

BeSomebodyFX best Forex Telegram channel

If you are looking for real professional Forex trading, BeSomebodyFX is exactly that.

The BeSomebodyFX public Telegram channel gives you valuable trades to follow and extremely useful trading insights.

You won’t find spammy messages, no noisy and loud promotions, no flexes about winning trades.

Nothing which resembles the “average” Telegram channel. Just pure professional and consistent trades and insights.

The professionalism and accuracy of BeSomebodyFX make it number one on this list of the best Forex Telegram channels.

Fewer trades but more accuracy, quality over quantity so to speak.

A great Forex signal provider has to be like that:

You can’t follow dozens of random trades a day sent at any time of the day randomly.

Instead, you need consistency, you need highly accurate and professional trades that can be followed with ease and with confidence. Makes sense?

No matter who you follow, you have to be sure that you are following highly high quality Forex signals and traders.

Really think about that for a second. If you follow a random unprofessional trader you get random unprofessional trades.

But if you follow an experienced and highly professional trader you get accurate and profitable trades to follow.

That makes all the difference, right?

If you follow random trading signals, you get inconsistent results. But if you follow professional signals by following the best signal services, you get professional, consistent, and accurate trading results.

It’s not rocket science.

The hard part is finding the best signal providers on Telegram for profitable signals.

It’s about the quality of the Forex signals and the traders you follow:


In other words, the quality of the Telegram channels that you follow decides your trading results.

BeSomebodyFX is high quality and it’s the type of trading that is highly professional.

Ever heard about central banks? Monetary policy, interest rates, macro fundamentals?

If you have, great you will find the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel perfect for your trading.

While If you haven’t then it’s time to start studying what BeSomebodyFX does and take notes because that is professional trading. That’s what professional traders focus on and you can learn about fundamentals by following the right channels.

That trading style is what is usually called fundamental analysis or macro fundamental analysis.

And BeSomebodyFX is the most professional and most accurate when it comes to Forex fundamental analysis on Telegram.

Often traders ask about the difference between technical analysis and fundamental analysis. Or even what’s better between technicals and fundamentals:

And the truth is that you need a bit of both in your trading, simple.

Market trends are created by macro fundamentals, and technicals are useful to find lower timeframe entries in the direction of the macro trend.

In other words, fundamentals should be used to assess the direction of a currency pair, and technicals to find the trade entry in that direction.

Here are the two other best Telegram Forex channels for signals:

Now, the other two on this list are UncleBullFX and WealthFXHunter.

UncleBullFX is active in both cryptocurrencies and Forex. Recently he has been doing more cryptocurrencies than FX but he does tend to do both overall.

This channel helps you generate profitable trade ideasHe doesn’t always send straight signals, but he does send very actionable trades to follow.

However, between crypto and FX, you get very valuable trade ideas with UncleBullFX. And thus it’s well worth a follow.

UncleBullFX Telegram channel is beneficial to both beginners and experienced traders because the trades shared are not too complex, which is great for beginners.

But on top of that, his trades are also insightful and detailed enough to satisfy professional traders.

SOUNDS GOOD RIGHT? YES, AND THAT’S WHY IT FITS WELL IN the list of the best forex channels on telegram.

He is highly technical analysis driven. He shares plenty of insightful charts with technical details that are actionable and can be useful for your trading.

Remember, technical analysis in and of itself may not be enough, but it is an essential tool in a complete trading framework.

The third TELEGRAM channel worth mentioning:

While If you are looking for a trader that is more technical and algorithmic driven, Wealth FX Hunter is a great option.

It’s a Telegram channel that brings some variety to the list because his trading is more short term and more technical analysis based.

And he also has some algos running automatically to trade for him which is an added bonus.

The man behind this channel is an experienced trader, and he knows what he is doing. It’s worth following to keep an eye on his content.

And that covers the BEST Forex Telegram channels:

You may think that 3 are too few.

And you may be correct, but we value quality over quantity in this list.

Don’t follow too many signal providers because that way you will just get overloaded with ideas and opinions.

Follow the highly professional ones, that’s all you need. I’m sure you will be able to understand the value of the three Telegram channels shared here.

They won’t look like the average signal providers, and that is the whole point of it.

The average Forex Telegram channel out there will just send you random trade signals with no analysis and no chart to explain it. Like this:
Example of unprofessional Forex signal provider

It doesn’t take a genius to understand that it’s not the type of content that you should follow for profitable signals.

And it’s going to sound obvious, but it’s essential to filter through the noise of the unprofessional traders and focus only on the professional ones to trade consistently.

That will make, over time, a great deal of difference in your trading.

The trading minds that you surround yourself with, will influence you to either trade better or worse, depending on who you follow.

Think about that, it’s important that the traders you follow are experienced, professional, and transparent so that you can take the right trades and also learn.

It makes all the difference in your trading.

And to get specific into the subject so that you can understand what we are talking about here’s an example of what IS professional for Forex signals:
Professional Forex signal example to trade

See how the trade in the above example is well explained and detailed? That is professionalism.

That is the kind of value that you should want from the FX traders you follow.

Don’t be satisfied with just “buy here, sell there” you need to know more…

Why should the trade work? What are the possible scenarios? What are the technical details and zones on the chart to look for?

All those details are essential for you to follow signals and trade recommendations with confidence.

Now to add more detail on the whole topic, here are a few common questions on the matter that are worth answering:

Are Telegram Forex signals reliable?

The above is probably the most popular question on the subject. And you know why?

Because often traders follow the wrong traders and end up getting chopped out by random trades. So here’s the point

Yes, trade recommendations are reliable as long as you follow professional traders. The highly experienced and transparent traders. Not the random kids out there sending random trade signals.

If you want good trading performance you have to follow highly qualified and professional traders. In other words, you have to follow the best Forex Telegram groups if you want the best trades.

Yes, it’s obvious. But are you doing that?

How to use Forex signals and how do Forex signals work?

Well, a good trading trade recommendation should have all the details you need to trade it.

It should have the details about the currency pair in question. The support and resistance zones from where to take the trade. The zone where the trade would be invalidated, and the zone where to take profit.

Something like this:

Trade that illustrates what is a good Forex signal

Obviously, some basic knowledge about trading is necessary.

Before you look for trade ideas you should know already what a “buy signal” is, what a “sell signal” is, what long or short means, and the difference between limit and market orders.

These technical definitions are necessary so you can understand the trade reccomendations properly.

For instance, you need to know how to read a chart before you can understand how to follow a trade.

I’m talking about basic price action and classic support and resistance concepts. With some basic knowledge, it will be easier for you to read charts shared by signal providers on Telegram.

And also, you need to know how your trading platform works. So you need to know already how to place trades on your preferred platform.

There is plenty of content on Youtube for instance to learn the basics, don’t be lazy, and do the work.

Are Forex trading signals always accurate?

No, that is a straightforward NO. Whoever you follow, trade reccomendations will NOT always be accurate.

When you follow professional trades you will see winning but also some losing trades.

But here is the key:

The winning trades are larger than the losing trades. That is called “good risk reward” in trading, and it means consistency even when some trades will not work as expected.

Remember, not all trades can be winners, you have to manage your risk correctly and follow good risk rewards.

And since you follow professional traders you will be able to always come up on top.

Oh, and by the way. Beware of traders that hide their losing trades, or just don’t update them while they keep flexing about the wins.

Transparency is extremely important when you follow a signal provider, it shows professionalism and competence, which is a must.

Let’s conclude with a few important points to remember when evaluating a Forex Telegram signal provider:
  • Evaluate the quality of the trades. You have to make sure that the trades are well explained with charts and various details.
  • Try to evaluate whether the signal provider is transparent and doesn’t hide losing trades. When a losing trade is ignored and not updated that’s a first warning sign that should label the trader as unprofessional.
  • Quality over quantity, fewer trades but more accurate and more consistent.

Also, do you prefer dozens of signals a day that you end up missing or getting too late because of your timezone? Or do you prefer a solid swing trade that you can easily follow and that doesn’t require much chart time?

Think about it and decide what you prefer.

Good solid swing trades that are more accurate and require less effort to manage and monitor are golden.

Result of a good Forex trade that went to target

We can get into a long discussion about the differences between intraday trading, scalping, and swing trading.

But you didn’t click on this article to get schooled on that, you are on this page to know the best Telegram channel to follow for Forex signals.

So we will keep the discussion about the different trading styles for another article.

Just remember, follow the trading style that suits you.

If you like intraday trading, the short term kind of trading, then follow traders that trade intraday.

And if instead, you prefer longer term trading, what’s usually called swing trading, then follow swing traders and get useful fundamental analysis insights.

And obviously, you can also do both and follow both styles at the same time.

Actually, that would be the best advice.

Highly professional traders are adaptable. There are certain trading environments, like high volatility ones, where there are plenty of shorter term trades to take.

But there are also lower volatility trading environments where longer term position trades work better.

FX volatility and market volatility are important subjects to understand by the way. Professional traders understand volatility and they adapt accordingly, just a side note to inspire you in the right direction.

And that’s everything…

We have just introduced you to the top 3 Forex Telegram channels that you can follow straight away.

There is a lot to learn from these channels, take notes, and study what they do.

All three Telegram channels have slightly different approaches to one another.

BeSomebodyFX is more macro fundamental driven. UncleBullFX is more technical analysis driven. And Wealth FX Hunter is shorter term technical analysis with automated algorithmic trading with copy trading and Expert Advisors as well.

Three different trading approaches, but all three are very professional and highly valuable. This is all you need in your Forex trading.

You can find them all on Telegram and across various social media, but make sure to follow them on Telegram as that’s where you get the trading signals and trading suggestions.

Using profitable Forex signal providers will improve your Forex trading. But remember to keep it professional yourself too.

Currency trading is getting very popular, and with that Forex trading signals are becoming an important tool for traders that need assistance in their trading.

You just have to make sure that you follow the right ones, that is important.

Now you have three wonderful Telegram channels listed above but you still have to be disciplined and patient with the trades.

Following the professional Forex signals is the first and most important step, but you still have to put in the work. A good signal provider will give you profitable trades but you still have to follow the trades with patience and discipline.