Look, I know what you are thinking, you are tired of all the random Forex signal providers on Telegram. You want professional signals, not the random kid sending random trades.
I know, it’s confusing out there. Too many Forex Telegram channels that provide random unprofessional trades with no analysis attached.
I got you, you clicked on this article and you will be rewarded with a good recommendation for a professional Forex Telegram channel to follow. In other words, the best Forex signal providers.
Whether you are looking for free Forex signals or paid Forex signals it all comes down to one thing:
The professionalism of the signal provider, right?
And yes, professionalism and profitability are often very correlated in trading. The more a signal provider is professional the more likely he is to be profitable.
Now, let me tell you a story…
Wait, a story? I just need a signal provider for Forex trading.
I know, I was just messing with you a little.
Let me go straight to the point by first giving you what you clicked this article for.
Here is the link for the professional Forex signal provider that we recommend following:

Now, here are a few details on why BeSomebodyFX is indeed the best professional Forex Telegram channel for signals and more.
Have you ever followed a Forex signal provider on Telegram that looks something like this?

I’m pretty sure you have…
Tons and tons of Telegram signal services for Forex trading out there look exactly like the example above.
Well, that is NOT professional. What do I mean?
Think about this, you want to follow a trader that gives you profitable signals, right?
Of course, you do.
So, do you think it makes a difference if you follow a professional Forex trader with real experience or if you follow a random kid that has no experience?
Yes, it makes A LOT of difference.
Who you follow for trade recommendations matters in your trading and your performance.
But I don’t want to bore you with that, it doesn’t take a genius to understand that if you follow unprofessional traders you get unprofessional results. You should know that already…
And that’s probably also why you searched for “professional Forex signals” on Google.
You understand that professionalism is important and that professional signals in Forex are the successful and reliable ones.
So, let me show you what truly IS a professional trading signal so this will also help you have a framework from which to evaluate other signal providers to understand if they are professional or not.
Let’s take a trade example from the BeSomebodyFX Telegram channel:

Immediately you can see the difference between BeSomebodyFX and any other Forex signal provider.
Look at the details behind the trade recommendation. It’s not just a random “buy here and sell there”.
You do get the details on how to execute the trade, so you do get an executable trade plan. But you also get an insightful explanation of why the trade should work.
You know where to go long or where to go short, where to take profit and where to place your stop loss. But you also get more details than that.
But what do I need more details for? Once I know the trade entry price, the stop loss, and the take profit I have all I need.
No, and if that’s your thinking then you are thinking small, and I know you are smarter than that. When you take a trade or when you follow a trade signal you MUST know why you should follow such trade.
In other words, you should know the logic and the reasoning behind the trade so that you know it’s not just random.
But no need to reiterate that, we have discussed extensively the difference between a professional Forex signal provider and the opposite in another article.
The importance of professional forex signals:
See, when you get around the right minds you tend to learn just by looking and following what they are doing. Right?
That’s true in all sorts of things, and it’s true in trading too…
That’s why it’s extremely valuable to follow professional traders that carefully explain every detail of the trades so that you can understand the logic behind them.
Wait, I know what you are thinking…
You just want to have profitable and accurate trade signals, and that’s the point I’m trying to make. What do I mean?
What I’m telling you is that there is a correlation between how a signal is shared and its profitability, really?
Bear with me…
You know, this article is titled “best professional Forex signals and professional Forex traders” for a reason.
And if you landed on this article you are looking for professional Forex signals, so you kinda understand this concept already.
The point is that if a signal provider on Telegram shares only the trade details with no chart and no analysis attached, that’s your first red flag that the signal provider is NOT professional:

But if instead, you see a Telegram channel that sends trades with insightful details, detailed trading charts, and comprehensive analysis of the trade in question.
here’s an example of a professioanl forex signal from BESOMEBODYFX:

Then you have a valuable and profitable Telegram channel to follow for Forex trades right there.
That advice alone may allow you to filter out most of the nonsense signal providers out there that will just waste your time with random trades.
But what about free Forex trading signals and paid Forex trading signals? What’s the difference?
Alright, let’s put it this way:
Between paid Forex signals and free Forex signals, there shouldn’t be any difference whatsoever.
So paid signals should NOT be more professional than free signals. With paid signal services you may get more care and more trades, but the professionalism of the trades itself shouldn’t vary, that’s all.
And it’s not just that, you can “sense” the professionalism of a signal provider by the way he trades as well.
I mean, should we even discuss Forex indicators?
If you have been trading for some time you will have realized by now that technical indicators in trading are often useless.
Don’t get me wrong, they are NOT always useless nor completely useless. Technical indicators have a place and classic indicators like moving averages or RSI are useful, but they are not where trade ideas should come from.
Often you see traders take trades just because the RSI is overbought or oversold, well that’s not how it should be done.
That’s NOT a valid and professional trading strategy, but you should know that already.
Let me show you what I mean. See this trade example from BeSomebodyFX:

Do you see any technical indicators on the chart? Any mention of indicators?
No, professional traders give priority to price action AND macro fundamentals, keep that in mind.
Great, we have discussed a good deal of information, but that was just a taste. Now let’s get into even more details about Forex signal providers:
You came to this article for a recommendation of a good Telegram channel to follow for Forex signals, right?
Well, you got that and you also got a wonderful lesson on how to evaluate Telegram channels out there.
Wonderful, but that’s not enough. I want you to truly understand an important point so let me get even more specific…
What I’m trying to convey with this article about professional Forex signals is this:
The traders that you follow for trading recommendations matter, a lot.
Keep that well in mind when you decide whether to follow or not follow a Forex trader on Telegram or wherever.
The math is simple…
If you only follow gamblers that have no idea what they are doing and that just trade randomly, you will be disappointed.
If you follow professional traders that know what they are doing and prove that with insightful trade ideas, you will benefit from them.
I know it sounds obvious, but try to remove the noise from the random kids out there and try to focus only on the professional signal providers.
Even if that means taking fewer trades, try to focus on quality over quantity and then judge what’s better.
Quality over quantity means more trading accuracy, and more accurate trades mean more profitable trades as well. But always keep in mind the risk reward, always take trades that have a good risk reward to begin with, you should know that already.
The point is that Forex trading and the Forex market are getting very popular:

Also because of the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies and the crypto market which is attracting tons of new retail traders.
And with that, the search for crypto signals and Forex signals providers by retail traders is increasing because they want help in their trading.
Some don’t have time to trade, some don’t know how to trade, and some simply understand the value of having other smart traders around them assist them in their trading.
And listen, following a Forex signal provider is NOT being “lazy”.
While instead looking for the “hot” Expert Advisor or trading bot, you know, those trading algorithms that promise huge results. That is kinda lazy.
But having a professional signal provider to help you in your trading and to help you make sense of the Forex market it’s NOT. Are you wondering why?
Simply because it’s smart to know the “consensus” of other professional traders that you repute as highly valuable.
That’s smart and you HAVE to be smart in your trading. Because if you try to put all the workload on your shoulders you will just burn out at one point.
Having smart traders around you that help you in your trading by providing you with valuable trade ideas and insights is a game changer.
Think about hedge funds or institutional trading desks. They have an expert in monetary policy, an expert in technical analysis, an expert in politics, and so on.
They don’t have just one guy that does everything. You don’t need to do everything yourself, so to speak.
Know your strengths, know your weaknesses and find professional Forex traders that help you improve in the areas that you don’t understand:
Having professional traders around you giving you advice and helping you make informed and profitable trading decisions is smart.
Your trading will improve when you get humble about what you don’t know and you let others better than you help you compensate for your weaknesses.
You may have competence in technical analysis, but you lack knowledge in fundamental analysis.
Does it sound so crazy to follow a professional trader that is an expert in macro fundamental analysis?
So that he can give you all the intel you need about the Forex market without you stressing out in trying to make sense of it all?
That’s how it works, you can follow the best Forex fundamental analysis Telegram channel to make sure that you are well informed on the fundamentals at any point in time, all while helping you generate good trade ideas to trade.
That’s the upside of following professional Forex signal providers:
You get a big hand in your trading. And if you are a beginner or even an experienced trader, when you follow Forex professional traders, you get to learn from them. In other words, you also get the benefits of professional trading education.
What was the phrase…
Work smart, not hard.
Well, let me rephrase it to fit the context…
Trade smart, not hard.
Can you trade smart?
But it obviously comes down to following the professional Forex traders. That makes all the difference and I guess that’s the core message of this article.
I could go on and on with more writing and talking on the subject, but the point has been conveyed. Be the smart trader out there by following professional Forex signals and traders.