I don’t even know why I’m writing this but I need to vent and share what happened just because I like writing stuff down.
So, where do I start?
Right, it all happens with me running a few ads on Telegram for the BeSomebodyFX public group, so pretty much here and there I pay other channels to send a promotional message to their followers.
Why I do this?
Simply because I don’t want to do the “link exchange” which is basically when Channel A shares Channel B link and Channel B shares Channel A link.
Because I care about making every message I send on the public group valuable so if I start sending other channels links it becomes spammy and the quality drops which I don’t want, to not mention the fact that I would be sharing links to channels that are in 90% of the times scams.
But anyway it all started here, me searching for a channel to run this promo message.
I will not mention the channel name and I will blur it in the screenshots because I don’t want you guys sending him hate, in the end he didn’t really do anything wrong (except defaming me) but the guy probably got scammed a few times on Telegram so he was over defensive because of that.
So I send this guy a message asking if he is ok in sending a promotional message on his channel, and I would have paid him for that post to remain there for 24h.
So the concept here is i pay him to promote me on his channel, makes sense?
All good, so we find a deal on the amount of money, I send the transaction and I go eat…
When I got back things escalated very quickly…

Ok so wait a second, what is even happening here?
So the guy saw that the transaction was still pending and thought I was trying to scam him.
First of all, scam of what? a few views on your channel?
I’m the one paying you to post a promotional message on your channel, how is that even supposed to be a scam?
I tried to understand what was happening and tried to explain him that it can take up to a few hours to complete the transaction (that’s how slow BTC is yes) but the guy didn’t want to hear anything, I was the king of scammers for him just because the transaction was yet to be confirmed, and he replied sending me a video on how BTC transaction could be faked with a specific software, yeah except that i was using the BLOCKCHAIN APP and it was clearly visible on the screenshot i sent him…

So i checked on my side if there was something wrong and there wasn’t anything, the payment was sent and it was waiting to be confirmed, this how BTC works… (you can check the transaction ID and everything it’s all public online on blockchain)

Meanwhile he did a very wise thing… Very wise… (i’m sarcastic)
Instead of giving me a chance and waiting a few hours for the transaction to complete he immediately started to defame me in his channels and a few of his friend’s channels…
Mh ok, you know what you are doing here right?

You probably are too young to know that if you defame a legit business you can get into serious troubles, but anyway I will take the necessary legal actions only if required, which I truly hope I’m not.
So getting back on topic, things were getting heated and I was just there waiting for the transaction to complete while this guy defamed me who knows where, so I ridicolously thought…
Wait maybe I really did something wrong with the transaction?
Maybe I clicked the wrong button or something? or maybe the blockchain app is bugged? i was going crazy, this guy was soooo convinced that was really making me think I was in the wrong.
So I said ok let me send you another transaction with another app (this time I upped the fee for the transaction to be faster) just to be sure, (you can check the transaction ID on blockchain, it’s all public and transparent)

I sent it, sent him the ID of the transaction, both where in the blockchain but nothing this guy didn’t want to hear a thing, both transactions were “fake” because he was scammed once from another guy and he just kept defaming me on his channel, I was left with nothing but patience, patience to wait for the transaction to complete, something that clearly he didn’t have.
And then he came up with a co admin thing?

I was losing my mind there, the guy was just throwing stuff at me without thinking, i asked him who’s the “co admin” just to be sure he didn’t say Sean Paris which is actually the only other admin in the BeSomebodyFX group, but he said i deleted him at the time i deleted him, so i probably busted him contacting members privately on the chat, happened many times already (and people ask me why i don’t share the link for the public chat anymore… This is why)
I have no control on who contacts who in the public chat (which is the reason i don’t share the link for that anymore), so people get contacted by promoters or scammers privately selling stuff or promoting their channels everyday, we DO NOT contact anybody privately unless you texts us FIRST!
This is a lesson for everybody, no real business contacts you randomly on telegram selling you something unless you contacted him first showing interest, so if you get a random message from somebody you don’t know claming to be whoever he wants to be, then you can be sure 99% that he is a scam, Does this open your eyes? if it does you have a problem because you should already know that, it’s so dumb obvious! I hope i’m not the only one thinking it.
And most of all, if a stranger contacted you privately for no reason selling you something on Telegram and you really send him money then you deserve the lesson, period.
If you have to buy something you must have trusted and verified reviews, any sort of track record that it’s not a random weekly pip count and shows at least a few years of trading, and/or at least a website to process payments with trusted partners like PayPal or Stripe and not BTC that can’t be refunded.
So anyway I went to sleep but yet I couldn’t sleep well, knowing that after years of hard work trying to build something real to help traders, a random guy that doesn’t understand how BTC transactions work puts me on the “hall of shame” for something that I didn’t do, trust me it’s a little frustrating and irritating.
So I woke up during the night (4AM) and I checked how the BTC transaction were going and UNSURPRISINGLY both transactions went through after the regular required confirmations by the blockchain…

Yes of course both transactions went through, but the other guy was sleeping like a baby while I couldn’t sleep on it, so I was left there once again waiting patiently, until finally…

He deleted all the false accusations knowing he did a mistake…
I want to specify that i have nothing against this guy in particular, i’m just writing this to vent out what happened because i couldn’t sleep all night knowing that for something i didn’t do, the BeSomebodyFX brand was getting defamed, it took years to build the trust of followers, honest feedback and reviews and seeing it all getting defamed for no reason was really disturbing.
To wrap it up…
I just needed to vent all the frustration for what happened and share the experience, as i said i have nothing against this guy specifically, and the guy probably has been scammed a few times already on Telegram and so he went overdefensive which is kinda understandable so he did an honest mistake, and he just wasn’t informed of how BTC transaction work and on top of that probably was in a bad mood.
Before coming to conclusion guys always do your own researches, it applies in everything, both trading and life, do you own researches before coming to conclusions the same way you should do when you read a trade analysis online, if you act impulsively most of the time you are going to get into troubles, patience is a virtue.