
I know you probably are aware of the shadiness out there of people impersonating people and all that.

That’s nothing new, in every field, that’s always been going on.

But I feel some traders need to hear this anyway, so here it is…


What do I mean?

I mean that on Telegram anyone can anonymously create a channel and call himself whatever he wants.

You can go on your Telegram right now and change your name to “Jeff Bezos” and start a channel named “Amazon“.

Does that make you Jeff Bezos?


Does having a channel named “Amazon” make you the real official Amazon?


That’s why there are websites.

They are the only place where you’ll find verified contact details and authentic information.

And the same is true for BeSomebodyFX.

If you encounter someone on Telegram named like us, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s us.

So how can you know exactly who’s real and who’s not?

Use OFFICAL websiteS:

On our homepage we have the link to our ONLY official public Telegram channel.

We DON’T have any other public channel.

So if it’s not that one, it’s NOT us.

Makes sense?

The same is true for our contact details:

We have an official contact page that lists all our verifiable authorized contacts.

So if it’s NOT on that list, it’s NOT us.

Also on the bottom right you can see a cool chat function that will let you be ABSOLUTELY sure that you are talking to us, and not a fake random guy out there.

Oh and by the way…

Rule of thumb:

If a random guy on Telegram asks you to pay with crypto…

Beware, you can be certain there’s something wrong there.


If someone says the word “guaranteed“…

Mh, something’s wrong there. Believe it or not, in trading there’s NO guarantee.

And most importantly…

If someone has “investment plans” with crazy unrealistic returns…

Well, be ABSOLUTELY certain there’s something wrong there!

With that said, also keep in mind…

We have NO “investment” service.

We DON’T accept crypto payments.

And we have NO “money management” service.

And obviously! We DON’T ask you for private credentials of any sort.


If someone claiming to be us offers you any of these, well…

It’s NOT us.

And either way…

ALWAYS verify who you are talking with by getting in touch with the appropriate verified methods like the official website’s chat function or website’s contact form.

And by the way, you can use these rules with everyone out there.

Not just us, but anyone else out there.

Because fakes are everywhere!

In other words…

ALWAYS double check that you are talking with a verifiable authorized contact.

And to do that, use the website’s information and functions.